Will this light work?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Funny, that's the first light I started with 20 years ago. That was before the internet and hydro stores or even Home Depot. I was scared sh%^less when I went to buy it. Made up some story about needing it for the back yard. The old man at the counter just gave me a funny look. Then I stunk up the house because I didn't know about filters and my parents threw everything out before I got home from work :)

The Sunsystems 150w HPS might be a better choice for same price. Better reflector, no glass, has cooling vents etc.. Plus it is already wired and has a built in ballast. I have one running right now.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I'd recommend a 150w hps. They are standard exterior lighting so there is no reason for suspicion. Some come with some really cute bonnets with ballasts and they are light in weight.My first 150 watt HID was an old street light that had somehow got broken from the pole during an ice storm:)
Funny, that's the first light I started with 20 years ago. That was before the internet and hydro stores or even Home Depot. I was scared sh%^less when I went to buy it. Made up some story about needing it for the back yard. The old man at the counter just gave me a funny look. Then I stunk up the house because I didn't know about filters and my parents threw everything out before I got home from work :)

The Sunsystems 150w HPS might be a better choice for same price. Better reflector, no glass, has cooling vents etc.. Plus it is already wired and has a built in ballast. I have one running right now.
Ahh too late I ordered it on amazon will arrive on the 20th that will be week 4 of veg for my plants, im not really in it for huge harvest maybe just oz or 1/4 oz will be good for me lol im not really a heavy smoker, I smoke at night to help me sleep that's about it.


Well-Known Member
Ahh too late I ordered it on amazon will arrive on the 20th that will be week 4 of veg for my plants, im not really in it for huge harvest maybe just oz or 1/4 oz will be good for me lol im not really a heavy smoker, I smoke at night to help me sleep that's about it.
Which one did you order? And if you do a little cropping and some LST you should be able to get a decent harvest...
Which one did you order? And if you do a little cropping and some LST you should be able to get a decent harvest...
the one from the link I posted. I topped cyber but my other one looks like its sativa dom might have to lst that one its growing really tall grew an inch over night its crazy lol


Well-Known Member
and it actually went on sale today for $63 my total came to $66
You are well on your way..post pics when you have time... Enjoy the grow and read up on harvest and curing on the site..some great info there and you can never be to prepared.
You are well on your way..post pics when you have time... Enjoy the grow and read up on harvest and curing on the site..some great info there and you can never be to prepared.
Want me to post pics on this thread? im not sure this is the first forum I ever joined lol


Well-Known Member
Want me to post pics on this thread? im not sure this is the first forum I ever joined lol
Sure, unless you have a blog here? Post them in the thread and everyone that has been following the thread will get to see them as well as others

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Careful, you may just get hooked like the rest of us....haha... Growing is addictive and it is relaxing... enjoy and I hope it becomes legal where you are soon...
Ohhhh yeahhh, I need an intervention in the worst way, and oh don't forget the bud porn too!
I feel like Chester the molester.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I'd recommend a 150w hps. They are standard exterior lighting so there is no reason for suspicion. Some come with some really cute bonnets with ballasts and they are light in weight.My first 150 watt HID was an old street light that had somehow got broken from the pole during an ice storm:)
And when you woke up the next day it was in your room, right? So you made good use of the light! Somewhere out there, there's a lamppost in need of a light.


bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I sure do feel for those poor lamp posts that don't have lamps:) I got lots of abandomed and confiscated hid transformers and accesories. When an item has been cataloged by the courts I don't remove the property label when I install such items in my grow-op. And it doesn't bother me to salvage smashed and broken things that can be repaired and used. I don't live in a room. Somewhere out there there is a person that lacks common sense.
my light should be coming in on Friday im just not sure if they are ready to be put to 12/12, by Friday they'll probably be close to 10 inches that's how fast they are growing lol