Will this hurt my plant?


Active Member
My plant is currently flowering but i was wondering..right now i have it coming on at 12:20 every morning and night..can i switch this to 6:00 in the morning and at night without shocking or hurting my plant?


Well-Known Member
I would try moving the time by 15 or 30 mins a day until you get it where you want! Also to help with the shock try going from 12-12 to 14-10 with the second number being your lighted time! So you can roll the time around to what you want and also shorten it by two hours and the plant will just think that the winter is coming and just continue to ripen up some fat nugs!

Good Job, Keep it Up!


Well-Known Member
You can be pretty lenient with your light time, it's your dark time you have to be careful with. Extra darkness shouldn't cause hermies but extra light will~ Just change it a bit at a time shortening your light time to get yourself closer to the new schedule, make sure it keeps it's 12 hours of darkness atleast. GL~