will this get me busted?


New Member
so like ive bean posting shit, but like the police and shit cant trek this shit back to me can they? also im freaked out to post pics for the same reason.... should i be worrying?


Well-Known Member
marijuana in the states are low priority for the police...not unless you are growing a lot which is most likely they will consider you as a drug cartel or drug dealer. you shoudnt be worrying this is a forum people post there grows here. i mean cmon...


Well-Known Member
It's entirely possible for anyone to figure out whatever they want about you on the internet, but it's not likely unless you're worth it. That goes for police too. If they really wanted to pry they would. They aren't after Joe Grow, they're after the larger scale situations. Don't be parranoid, but don't share any personal information either and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
i would think this site is safe for small growers.. most of us on here are growing under the legal limit for med use so no worries..
sharing is caring


Well-Known Member
if youre a teenager with a grow box in your closet for personal use. they wont mess with you. just dont go around telling all your friends "Hey! im growin pot in my closet! im so kewll!" lol


New Member
lol u pretty much just explained me but ive only told 1 other person and he helps me with it all the time, but like i was wonderin i was forced to put my plant in dark for like 16 hours the other day and my plant is still tiny thou it is 3 weeks old so now its in 1212 and i really wanna take clones if it ends up bein a female so what should / could i do?


Well-Known Member
YES, they are watching you right now!

J/K. Dont post anything that can link yourself to your grow and you will be fine


Well-Known Member
hey no grow where do i send my 14.95 for that sweet vidio?? i can totally up my game with a system like that


Well-Known Member
don't give this guy details of how not to get busted.

sounds like a cop conducting market research on how knowledgeable stoner's are on their rights, and on evading the law.

just talking about growing isn't illegal. a 3" plant won't lead the DEA to your door.


this is what frustrates me more, why do we need to be scared for talking about marijuana, it should be legal in California and eventually all over the nation it should be legal! we really need to work on making it legal in November


Well-Known Member
Being paranoid can be some what of a good thing. Keeps you safe. I highly doubt Johnny Law is looking for the small time grower here. But Im sure they keep tabs looking for the bigger fish. True a 3" plant wont get you a visit from the DEA, but your local boys in blue might have some problems. I am small time. Im growing for free smoke. I have 3 plants outdoors 6 & 7 footers. Ohio law goes by weight. They weight it all roots, stalks, stems, leaves, buds 100% wet! My three plants could net me a 3rd degree felony, 1-5 years & $5000-$10000 fine. Pretty serious shit! But I have also been reading court records and see that rarely happens. Seems most first time small guys get a fine & probation in plea deals. But if they wanted to be dicks Im looking at some serious bad times. All over 3 plants. Pays to think safe.


Active Member
For sure freaks me out that I can't do what I want in my own, hard worked for home. I somewhat understand that "the man" don't want you making no money that he can't dip his greedy hand into. Our government SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKSSSSSSS. Get off my ass you cocksuckers. The state where I live is much the same as yours CptNemo. Sucks that I've had my ass puckered for over two months (and another before fruition), just to grow three plants that just might add up to 3 or 4 oz's. Don't ever tell a FUCKING SOUL your'e grow'in. Believe me nigga's, I ain't sell'in any of this shit, It's all for me and those lucky enough to get a nice Christmas present! No chance of the little kiddies playing on the playground getting this, so leave me the fuck alone.


New Member
well like arent u guys ever freaked out that like the cable man will find it? the other day some dude was inspecting my house for mold and was looking EVERYWERE luckily i only have 1 small plant that doesnt smell yet otherwise idk what i would have done....


Well-Known Member
don't give this guy details of how not to get busted.

sounds like a cop conducting market research on how knowledgeable stoner's are on their rights, and on evading the law.

just talking about growing isn't illegal. a 3" plant won't lead the DEA to your door.
Your American DEA can have my name, address and phone number if they ask nice.