will this carbon filter work?


Active Member
I dont have the materials to build a carbon scrubber so i built this instead. Will it minimize the smell or am i just wasting my time?

fan pushing air into the activated carbon*


Well-Known Member
Does the air have to go through the carbon or are you just blowing "into" it? Seems like a stupid question, but that is a cardboard box you're holding :)

Are you using sheets of carbon like for air cleaners or something else? Do you have a nice breeze blowing through the box? If you have a healthy breeze blowing through, maybe add one more carbon sheet.

You know...it can't hurt.


New Member
If you mean work like not being able to smell it in the next room...I doubt it.

Also personally I'd be a bit worried about putting a ups box with partial barcode up on a pot site.


Active Member
All you can do it try it and see it works. Make sure you've got a backup plan though becuase once your plants start reeking then uh...yeah gotta do something about that. I'm gonna try building an Ona bucket with a 3g bucket+lid, fan, ona gel etc.


Active Member
There are a TON of DIY carbon filters on this site, I'd recommend looking through the various ideas and figure out what will work best for your situation. The one you are holding looks a little small to be effective, one of the ones based on a 5 gallon bucket should do the trick. Give us some details on your room and we'll help you narrow it down.


Active Member
if you got sum carbon filters in there then yes id think it would take out most of the smell but like another member stated above unless your in a marijuana legal part of the world or if you prescribed it I def wouldn't be posting any information on this site that could have your grow lab raided like mailing addresses or ups bar codes but that just my two cents


Active Member
thanks for the warnings ;)

the tracking number is blurred and cut off im pretty sure im safe. I got ride of the picture though just in case