Will they recover? - Flood tank level too low

Could lower your ph to 5.8, they like a little acidick, also as suggested, raise you droin pipe, I grow very similar, I feed ''til pots are completely full before draining, that sounds like what's happening, you nutes arn't rising high enough to reach the small young roots. your feeding schedule is same as mine, 3 times a day
I think you may be the winner. I lowered them, in the net pots, and adjusted to 5.8. Six hours later and we have this! Do you think they will recover?

View attachment 2397937

6 hrs after being watered at a higher flood level, before lowering plants:
View attachment 2397938

That was last night and today:

View attachment 2398703

But letting them sit in solution for 15 mins seems to me you may be drowning them, just let them sit for 1 minute or less, it should fill to top of pot then drain immediately.
How can I do this, my timer is only in 15min increments?


Your watering to often and rotting out that rock wool let them grow a little bit to establish roots before going back to normal water cycle


Active Member
roots do look sickly and like they might be getting some rot. i would immediately quarantine it from the rest of them if you don't want the infection to spread. maybe even just cull it out. i've always loved great white and other other endomyco products. inoculate them as soon as they roots appear. you do have to re-dose them after they put on a lot of new root mass.

i run flood/drain constantly, taking about 9 minutes to fill, 4 minutes to drain with autosiphon. if you want to slow down your flow rate, just split the outflow from your pump in two and use valves to adjust how much goes to your flood tray and how much just recirculates back to the res. you can dial in any flow rate you want that way, lose the timer, and add a whole lot of free aeration to your res.
that one is most likely dead, or about to die. That rockwool looks horrible. Never squeeze or crush rockwool. def looks like it got flooded for to long. brown slime = no good 15mins is a long time for a flood on such small plants


Well-Known Member
The last picture actually made me sad.

Root rot is a cruel bitch - could have had a new car and a garage to put it in if res temps weren't an issue.

Keep in mind though, plants will literally live in water if the water is aerated. The problem is that, as water heats up, it becomes impossible to aerate - oxygen won't dissolve in it. Generally, root rot occurs AFTER the roots are all or partly dead, which happens after the roots die from lack of oxygen.

If plants wilt from lack of water, they generally recover in a few hours with water. Plants with root rot won't recover - the plant wilting happens after the roots are long dead, like a person without kidneys just waiting to die.


Well-Known Member
Btw, I made my post mainly because of the comment that they were 'flooded too long'. Ideally, you want cool, oxygen-rich water - if you have that, there's no such thing as "flooded too long" (look at DWC raft systems, there essentially E&F tables that only flood)
True, I should have worded that comment a little different Tibberous, i know better :( sorry, but thanks for clearing that part up.