Will They Be Ok


Well-Known Member
Should be fine. Watch the temperature you will see a big difference with your MH bulb. Shouldn't get over 85 degrees in your grow room.


Active Member
well I just transplanted them from cups to pots, the roots were all the way to the bottom with the rocks. I put rocks in the pots as well, to help the drainage. So I only put a little water on them until next watering time. Also that bulb is only 175w, so do you think I'll be ok? They were under 2 20w fluoros.


Active Member
no it's not a regular socket, but it doesn't need a ballast either. I just wired it to a regular wall plug in, and once it's plugged in, boom, this light is bright as hell to me


Well-Known Member
175Mh will do fine i would put the 2 fluoros back in again, watch the temps and Rh and in a few months u will be one happy dude....Peace and Pot