Will they be ok???? Help!!!!!!

i had a scare yesterday... had to stash the babies in the barn!!! they were under my 1000 watt metal halide set-up from 6am till 11am. then i had to stash. teps got down to 60 where they were.and the were there almost 10 hours, with no sun.they are about 6 weeks old, from seed.anyone??

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
no worries, they will bounce back because it was not that long of time, and the temps at 60F are not a problem at all.

take care of your gals but don't worry as they won't be any worst for wear
ok... next question. i am going a little low key for a week or 2, and moved them into my seedling\early veg cabinet... it has 3 large (not sure the wattage at the moment) cfl's, a 2' flourescent soft white, and a cheap "grow light" from walmart(mostly for heat)... coming from a 1000 watt environment??? i just wanna lay low a week or two till flower.. if they dont overgrow it by then lol.


Well-Known Member
Shouldnt be an issue, If anything it will just stunt the growth abit.

Just Try and Keep the same light periods on them so as to not stress them out

i Frequently Put my babies outside when my box temps get up to 35c-40c (95f-104f) With no issues, I Make sure that they goto bed at the same time and wake up at the same time.
thanks guys. this is my first grow, i have done everything with ZERO budget! got my bulb and ballast for free! bagseeds! all free. i put alot of time in them. would hate to have to start over! happy growing
they will be fine just go along with the same lighting schedule you have been but dont do anything like that when there in flowering