will these lights work as well as a 400watt hps...???????

so iv seen a light that they say gives as many lumens as a hp and has a few more benefits ... its a high bay led 60watt 131lm/w and it will replace my 400watt hps.. now i dont know a fucking thing about 131lms/w.. as i under stand it means how mny lumens u are getting from each watt? here is the link.... (led 60watt) am i right in saying that if its 131ml per wat and there are 60watts u would say (131 x 60)? cause if thats how u work it.. then a 400watt hps would still have more lumens.. even if its 90 to 80lm/w... i just need the formula for lm/w... dont answer if u dont know,, i want to better understand the lm/w ratio


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, ya...I don't know about that, but I do recommend you get at least 100w per plant...I have 6-1,000w raptors and each one puts off about 140,000 lumens...and I heard LEDs can bleach your leaves and buds, don't know, never tried them, but ya your formula looks right (131x60) if that's actually the ratio..good luck


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, ya...I don't know about that, but I do recommend you get at least 100w per plant...I have 6-1,000w raptors and each one puts off about 140,000 lumens...and I heard LEDs can bleach your leaves and buds, don't know, never tried them, but ya your formula looks right (131x60) if that's actually the ratio..good luck
something like that, i got iron def from my led, fitxed it with calmag , but this is just my led and it was clones only.fucking strange.
yeah thanks... well i did the maths and its 7860 lumens from a 60watt led.. even a 125watt still is way to weak,, and how the hell do u run 6 x 1000watts,, ur power bill must be crazy.....