will these be done this weekend?


how much longer do you think these have left? i have a 10x and a 100x scope but its hard to see with either.
and ive been getting some brown crispy leaves, it showed up about a week ago and i flushed and am just using regular water now. i did the flush about 4 days ago. it doesnt seem to be getting much worse, does anyone know what the brown on the leaves could be from?

they are at day 61 flowering, mazar is supposed to be 8-9 weeks. the buds are getting some nice purple on the buds now, i can't wait to smoke this stuff :)

i really hope i can chop them down this weekend


Well-Known Member
those pistils are still white man you can still put on a lot of weight when the 80-90% of the pistils are dry then chop.


wow, so should i feed them again or just let them go on water til finish? i flushed the other day and they just have pure water right now.


Well-Known Member
not ready yet, 2-3 wks. looks like a bit of nutre burn, you could start the flush. but in the last few weeks you get the most yield added, so trust us, it is worth the wait...or weight...yield can double with some.


Well-Known Member
Give them about 2 more weeks of 12/12. Continue with the water, but I'd add a tablespoon of molasses to each gallon --- but no additional nutes at this point unless you are doing a multi-stage harvest, in which case a bit of nitrogen wouldn't be bad.

How do the trichomes look???


i had been using sugar daddy with my nutes til a few weeks ago when i ran out, im pretty sure thats molasses. i guess ill go down to the hardware store and get some from there. i guess its basically the same stuff. would it make a difference if i kept using senizyme til harvest? i did the flush last weekend, i might do 2 harvests on it, there is some crazy LSTing i did on them so theres almost another layer of buds under the tops. it probably tripled in size when i put them into 12/12. i definitely didnt expect that. the trichomes are still mostly clear i think, its hard to tell with my scopes. one is too high 100x, the other is 10x so its hard to really tell. i cut off some sugar leaves sometimes to check though, i see an amber one occasionally. i really dont want to harvest til the right time, i know it will be worth it, but it smells so good. like syrup and gingerbread cookies.

since im just using water now, do i have to adjust the ph still or can i leave it how it is? i think its about 7-7.5 before i adjust it.


Well-Known Member
NOT EVEN CLOSE BUDDY! some strains you can really tell with. I can easily tell that is not ready. Tons of new pistil growth. at least 2 weeks bud i say wait 3 or even 4