Will the .00035 of foil in skunk bags set off a metal detector at an airport?


I Just ordered some skunk bags to help me bring some bud with me on a vacation coming up and I just read that the bags have a small content of foil, .00035 per bag. I was wondering if anyone knows is this would be enough to set off the metal detector at an airport. I plan on carrying it on my person. I wouldn't think that would be enough to set it off, but I want to be 100% sure before I do. Thanks for any and all help!

Smoke on:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just dont travel with it thru the airport... It is a FELONY and people get busted all the time, better off trying to find someone where your going, IMO.

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
Metal detectors work by inducing an electromagnetic field.. Anything conductive that intersects the field will affect the field and be detected. It doesn't have to be ferromagnetic at all.


Well-Known Member
Put whatever you want to bring in your checked luggage. IF you choose to carry said item on your person, all you have to do is "opt out" of the body scanner. You will patted down by a politically correct, lazy, unionized government employee who will not go anywhere near your junk. When they come near your package, they do the "Back of the hand" and don't rub your feller, your boys, or your democrat think tank.


my 2cents, i think you'd be fine through the metal detector

my other cent, wayyy too big of risk for a very small reward--it's not just metal detectors you gotta worry about, like andar said


bud bootlegger
my 2cents, i think you'd be fine through the metal detector

my other cent, wayyy too big of risk for a very small reward--it's not just metal detectors you gotta worry about, like andar said
i completely agree.. i had an incident at the airport and landed in jail while my gf went on her merry way to italy.. to say it sucked big black balls would be a huge understatement...
i had a very small amount of bud, under a gram, and had put it in a metal camels snuz box so it wouldn't just be laying around on my coffee table at home as i have family that stops by often and what not..
10 minutes before i left for my flight, i saw the box of snuz on the table, which i had bought because you can't smoke cigs on a plane any more and i was going on like a 9 hour flight to europe.. i saw the box and didn't give it a second thought and threw it right on the top of my carry on luggage and went on my merry way...
i got to the airport, and i tend to have this nervous tick that i don't even know when it's happening, and i was only nervous about flying and excited to go on my vacation.. well, it was enough for one of the security people to pull me out of line and go through my luggage.. at first i wasn't worried about a thing as i didn't have anything to hide, or so i thought.. dude pulls out one pack of the snuz and asked what it was and i told him spitless chewing tobacco things, then he found the second one, which had been opened, and he opens it and out falls the small amount of bud...
i tried telling them i didn't know it was in there, blah blah blah, just throw it in the fucking trash or w/e, and i turn around to see 3 cops coming my way..
spent the night in a nasty ass roach infested cell before getting released on ror a few hours later.. get back to the airport, find out my tix and now worthless, including my return flight, and had to pay about $1500 for a new set of round trip tix, and like i said, my gf, whom i was supposed to meet at a connecting city, was enjoying herself in europe with out me...

what a fucking mess, and the worst fucking part was i wasn't even trying to sneak the bud on, if i had been, i would have felt way better about the whole thing as i would have known i was being stupid and fucked up on my own ... but no, i had simply forgot it was there and fucked myself over.. try explaining that shit to those fucking airport security people.. it aint happening.. :(

my sugestion is to either go without, or find it when you get there, or to mail it to where ever you are going so it will be there when you get there...


Well-Known Member
just put the weed in a sandwich bag and inside you luggage that goes under the plane. toss it in a bag of hygene products like after shave, deoderant and colonge. metal detectors wont pick it up. smell wont be abundant and they dont check your cargo luggage like they check your carry on shit. if your feeling extra cautous just tape the bag up good and put it in a conditioner/shampoo bottle.


Well-Known Member
what if it doesnt work??? that would sux right? going on vacation and all.... just make edibles. been making 2-3g per edible and it gets me way overbboard.


Well-Known Member
Well, If you have to go through the body scanner...your'e done. They see ANYTHING that doesn't look right from the scan and you are wanded, then searched, then wanded again and off to a search room.

I have seen the foil on one piece of Wrigleys gum set one detector off, don't EVEN chance it. Even had the body scanner show the small ziplock with some 'special' brownies I had in my pocket. They searched and yep, I had to throw them away. Sucked big time. Luckily they did not smell 'special'. ;)


Well-Known Member
if you really need to bring your buzz on an airplane, make an extract or something edible. Make some heady olive oil, or a tincture, these you could put in a bottle in your checked luggage. If you make a tincture, make sure you use as close to straight grain liquor as you can get, a couple squirts, or more depending on the potency, in your mouth will get you nice and stoned. Also with a tincture you can let the alcohol evaporate and you have something you can smoke.

Guitar guy

Active Member
I believe they do work with magnets. I have two 1 1/2 foot bars going across my chest and it hasn't set off any metal detector yet. I believe they are made of titanium

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
I believe they do work with magnets. I have two 1 1/2 foot bars going across my chest and it hasn't set off any metal detector yet. I believe they are made of titanium
The simplest form of a metal detector consists of an oscillator producing an alternating current that passes through a coil producing an alternating magnetic field. If a piece of electrically conductive metal is close to the coil, eddy currents will be induced in the metal, and this produces an alternating magnetic field of its own. If another coil is used to measure the magnetic field (acting as a magnetometer), the change in the magnetic field due to the metallic object can be detected.


Active Member
I travel often and don't like to fly with it. I like to ship it out a day or two ahead of me via ups. Usually the day after I arrive it comes in a package right to my hotel. traditionally I will put something else in the package just for stealth, however sometimes I send it by itself.. Its Easy as pie never had a problem. If the package is late the shipping is free too!!! gotta love ups, they are so preoccupied with getting it there on time :weed:


Well-Known Member
Well, If you have to go through the body scanner...your'e done. They see ANYTHING that doesn't look right from the scan and you are wanded, then searched, then wanded again and off to a search room.

I have seen the foil on one piece of Wrigleys gum set one detector off, don't EVEN chance it. Even had the body scanner show the small ziplock with some 'special' brownies I had in my pocket. They searched and yep, I had to throw them away. Sucked big time. Luckily they did not smell 'special'. ;)
How many plants was that profile pic? dayummmm