Will spraying h2o2 on buds negatively effect the buds or degrade the thc?


The way I see it,is this.You can use something that has been used by growers for quite awhile. That's been proven safe and effective,Maybe??Sacrifice a little taste and potency,or lose the wholefucking grow.Gee!!! What choice do I make?
This is the way


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. I have certainly learnt from the mistakes from this grow room and I'll be making large adjustments in the future. I probably won't even grow in this one during the summer again.

I'm so looking forward to a deep deep clean. A fogger I think is the only way, I'm excited to try one out. Would sulfur accomplish the thing as zerotol. Pesticides and fungicides are restricted to commercial growers here.
It happens, when I first grew I wasn't using a ductless mini-split air conditioner and would pull air from outside, I always got PM and other bullshit in my grow years back, since switching to a "sealed" grow with no air being pulled from outside I've had no problems, you still need to keep everything clean and keep your environment in check. Keep temps between 68-80 ideally and humidity 50-60% and you should be safe.

If you plan to really duke nuke'em the room then I would suggest a BioSafe 2.6 gallon portable BioFoamer, get some Sanidate 5.0 and use that to actually fog every surface for maximum contact and also validation that you hit every surface. Work in small sections at a time until your done.

I personally had success in the past just fogging every nook cranny and surface with ZeroTol 2.0 at full strength wearing a tyvek suit, full gas mask with goggles, nitrile gloves, etc but this would be MUCH better and easier.

If you can't source the SaniDate maybe ask around garden stores, even golf courses might be able to help ya out or a pesticide company. I know I've seen it for sale online from different vendors too with shipping (no special license).

The idea here isn't exactly the product used either, it's more so that every surface is sanitized. Zerotol/sanidate are Hydrogen Peroxide with Peracetic acid (Hydrogen Peroxide stabilizer).

What would be needed to accomplish this job:
BioSafe Foamer
BioSafe Foaming Agent
BioSafe Sanidate 5.0 or ZeroTol 2.0
Full PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) - Respirator, painters suit, goggles, nitrile gloves.