Will Spider mites survive and feed on curing budds??

Hey....I googled n found this......I know it's a bit old but I thought I'd add my 2 cents anyway.

A mate of mine had three plants under a 600w'er, two of them were covered in spidermites half way through and ruined the buds, he seperated the other one and it looked OK.

The two infested ones were seperated and then thrown out, but the other one looked fine at harvest time. But when drying, he noticed a few mites were on it (they were spaced about 2 ft apart from the infested ones for about a week...those bloody mites must have done one mega journey!) --- anyway, he hung them up to dry and one week later found that there were actually ALOT of mites on it...they had migrated to the bottom of the stalk (where it had been cut) i guess for moisture. Anyway, 8 days after cutting and letting them dry....Time to manicure them.....he found that, even though they were crispy and dry after 8 days....MANY were still alive and cranking!! He saw this while trimming the buds over news paper, he'd see little red bastards walking around.

This goes to show you this little cunts are resiliant as hell. If you ever spot them, don't be tempted to keep the plants and 'see how it goes' or apply pesticide (He did this twice, properly...with stuff recommended for spidermites) and they recovered, and even perhaps became immuned to the pesticide. DESTROY THOSE PLANTS!!!

...and "BeaverHuntr" is right lol....you smoke a nug with mites on it and it'll crackle like a seed, like fireworks in your face!! Yuck!
...oh, and out of the two infested plants, he made cannabutter......and to be honest i wouldn't eat anything that was made from infested plants lol
If your growing organic your going to have a few bugs. Its that simple. If you go to the farmers market and buy fruit/vegetables you'll find organic has a lot more blemish from bugs and disease. There will be a few. I've yet to hear of a disease of respiratory problems cause by smoking stuff with mites.
I've been battle mites (mostly losing) for about 1 year. Everything has some mites (please don't try to fix my problem now). I've found that bud that has cured well even with the mites burn just fine. I have bud that is 6 months old and you would not know there where mites smoking it. I don't know if the leave or dry out, probably both. It burns well and taste great. Let it keep curing it will be fine/
Hopefully this summer with no flower room I can get rid of the fuckers.
Holy fuck, make your own choices,
but realize that EATING things is COMPLETELY different from SMOKING things.

You are smoking disease, from the mite poop, which is just as dirty as human poop.
Imagine that bud you're smoking having fallen upon your own turd.
Still gonna smoke it?

Big difference human turd and plant eating insect turd. I would eat a cow turd way before an owl turd.

Yep! most people have smoked mites.If you think you never have then your full of shit!
So you think all that outdoor red bud,gold bud you have smoked for years or so never had a mite on it.Wrong..
I found mites 2 weeks ago.Mighty wash kicked there ass.Got ladybugs coming today.Will let all know how they worked.
They are not badly infested,but regardless my 4 budding plants will be smoked anyway!
Yes!! I am gonna smoke those leftover mites,there brothers,sisters,babys,and there fuckin poop too!
I paid decent money to feed and house them little bastards.
Snap crackle,pop!!
I have NO evidence of this, keep that in mind. Just trying to use common sense from what I've read.

If you hang them to dry in a room with another plant close to the drying buds, wouldn't that mean all the mites migrates to that plant instead of staying on the dead buds? It makes sense to me at least.
Yep! most people have smoked mites.If you think you never have then your full of shit!
So you think all that outdoor red bud,gold bud you have smoked for years or so never had a mite on it.Wrong..
I found mites 2 weeks ago.Mighty wash kicked there ass.Got ladybugs coming today.Will let all know how they worked.
They are not badly infested,but regardless my 4 budding plants will be smoked anyway!
Yes!! I am gonna smoke those leftover mites,there brothers,sisters,babys,and there fuckin poop too!
I paid decent money to feed and house them little bastards.
Snap crackle,pop!!

A hero has arisen amongst us! Praise the mighty mite smoker "littlegiant"! All hall his might and bravery! bongsmilie
Drench Mighty Wash just before harvest, then drench rinse the plants again. Make sure your dehumidifier is turned all the way up.
Make sure your plants are hanging UPSIDE DOWN ! The mites, if any are still alive will migrate to the top (now bottom) to eat the wet part of the stalk . I also pop my trimmed stuff in jars into the freezer for a hour to make sure any critters are dead