I don’t have kids (edit: yet

) but am in a mixed marriage as well
I just have a difficult time understanding why it would be ok for me as a parent, to know my child who may not have worked as hard or I may not have given my all staying up late with them or whatever - could potentially take the spot of another child who put in the work to really stand out just because mine has a different race. If 100 applicants out of 1000 are accepted, having this ratio of white to brown to black to whatever should be way down the list of what matters, or not a factor at all.
“White people” are extremely diverse in background, beliefs, ways of life, etc so it’s just strange to me checking a box of race is even a consideration or a part of an application for higher education for the sake of diversity. Just like being black doesn’t make you automatically (insert whatever assumptions are made by someone else) or Asian people are (insert whatever assumptions are made by someone else.)
Im not opposed to making space for kids who may have come from difficult environments who may not have the highest test scores but show ambition and effort in their own way, (like a kid who has been working since 15 to help their family make ends meet, or they’ve taken care of a family member, or they were raised by the CPS system) but in my opinion race shouldn’t be a factor in those that are accepted
In my opinion no one should be included or excluded because of their race at a school or a company or anything really.