Will Plant Live?


Howdy, I'm about halfway through the third week of growth and the plants seemed to be doing fine until the start of week three. They are under two 300 watt equiv cfl's. And 2 daylight cfls; about half a foot away. The plants began to show yellowing at the base, as well as began to droop a bit. I looked it up and figured it was probably lack of nitrogen, as well as non-ideal soil. So, I added a small amount of 20/20/20 solution and sprayed it as I would normally. Now, there is some slight yellowing on the edges of the top leaves (just the tiniest bit). Does my 24 hour hour light cycle have anything to do with it (I have been reading mixed opinions on that). and most importantly, does my plant still have a good chance of making it to harvest if I don't mess with any more ferts?

Thanks bunches



Well-Known Member
You may be in trouble, nute lock might be starting. Usually it's nute lock when plant is this small.
What is your soil and ph?
If you do the right things, you will probably get a good harvest(barring other problems)



Thanks, I probably need to invest in a ph detector. Ill get on it.
I did the same thing to my plants 20/20/20 and the the leaves starting turning yellow, so i flushed it, its been two days not much change will see what happends.


Well-Known Member
Your plant can definitely recover, MJ plants are pretty tuff. Yellowing at 3 weeks is telling you that its time to start feeding, but you may have feed to much 20-20-20 to soon. You have to ease into a feeding schedule, foliar feeding especially should be done with a very week solution to avoid burning. IDK what your soil is but if you think its not ideal, do a transplant with some better soil with good drainage. You could use a bigger pot anyway. Keep doing your homework. RIU is a great resource. I think you're going to do alright. And yes you must get a PH tester. My best friend is a Milwaukee PH 600. I got it on ebay for 20 bucks. You can't beat it. Good luck & happy growing!


Well-Known Member
invest in a hanna, i had a milwaukee, very low quality, ph often off
Hanna makes a whole bunch of em, so does Milwuakee. Which milwaukee did you have and what Hanna do you use now? Give us something tangible.
I suppose if you have a Farrari, you're going to think a Nissan sucks. But they'll both get you to work on time. All i know is my Milwaukee has worked PERFECTLY for a year now. When i check the calibration it is always perfect. I havn't touched the calibration screw once. The only bad thing is its not waterproof so dont drop it in the jug lol If you can afford a more expensive one go for it. Whatever you get keep it clean and store it according to the instructions.


Yeah, I knew I might get into some trouble when I used miracle grow. Such is the cost of hubris. Anyways, thanks for all the help, hypothetically speaking, if I were to do nothing at all (in regards to fertilizing), what are the chances the plant will live til harvest?


Well-Known Member
Argh, MG! Lot's of RIUers use this shit and get great results. I used MGMC for my 1st grow and it killed me.
In short, it's a bad beginners soil, although a good number of beginners seem to have good luck.
When things go bad with MG, they go very bad. Some kind of nute lock/ph problem sets in, and its tough to fix. I tried and failed, then transplanted to another bad soil that finished the job.
At this point, I can only offer my past thread and I what I did. I'll keep watching and hope you get a Miracle.


Allright folks. After sweating over it for a bit, I came to the realization that I probably wasn't soaking the miracle grow all the way through to reach the roots, anyways I figure it's worth a shot. So far the plants look healthier, ill post updates if they right themselves, or if they don't.