Will my Weed Taste Shit?


Active Member
hey, i had 4 ak-48 plants and i harvested one on day 46, this plant needs 55-60 days to flower so its not massivly too early but i fast dried one bud in the light, and iknow that destroys thc, and fast drying is bad but does anyone know will this still be good? and what the high will be like after all this, and i didnt flush lol, but the plant looked good haha! and i have compressed it a lot and destroyed alot of resin haha! but it was only 1 bud so its fine


Well-Known Member
fast dryed weed will still get you stoned, Ive microwaved buds when I get impatient, And It will still you get stoned. But there wont be any taste, and it usually quite harsh.


Well-Known Member
Chill then Winston !!!
An easy high without fucking fast drying is;
Wet trim your harvest smoke the scissor hash .
Then make ice wax (see matt rize thread)with the wet trim and dry that fast on the fridge on cardboard


Active Member
Not gunna taste anything close to what it will taste like when grown to maturity and properly dried and cured. You will still get a buzz or should still get one at least. I would at least let it hang dry for a few days it is so much better


Well-Known Member
If your plant is 45days from 12/12 *flip* it most likely is on day 30-35 of bloom. Which would be around 5wks. Way to early. Also never fallow the "printed bloom period" it will almost always take the grower longer, unless they have a perfect op going.


Well-Known Member
Why take over a month of your life to grow a plant if you are going to spend 1-2 days fking up the product.


Well-Known Member
It's probably not gonna be what you hoped for but should get you stoned. Gotta let them finish bloom and dry slowly with a nice 3-4 week cure minimum at the end to get best taste out of your flowers.

My philosohpy is...You put a lot of work and several weeks into growing the plant, don't take shortcuts at the end and ruin all your hard work. Next time, let the plants finish blooming, and dry and cure them properly. It will make more of a difference than you think.


Active Member
If you have already gone through the process of cutting it early, and fast drying it, its obvious you are ready to smoke, so just smoke it and youll know.


Active Member
i meant the plant was dying, had many things rong with it and it was litterly dead, so i chopped it down, at 45 days and now i just tried some of it and wow! not brill but better than expected, i still have a few more plants growing and im gonna let them grow fully as they are healthy and fine. thanks for all your replies


Active Member
i meant the plant was dying, had many things rong with it and it was litterly dead, so i chopped it down, at 45 days and now i just tried some of it and wow! not brill but better than expected, i still have a few more plants growing and im gonna let them grow fully as they are healthy and fine. thanks for all your replies

If its from the same strain, the results (if you get bud) should be similar, just slightly less in THC (usually less than the human body can detect)...let us know how your fully-developed ladies end up!!!1!
just cut a bud up into little pieces and they will dry out quicker! and ull get a dank ass smell when u cut it the first time.... and the second time..... and all the times. trust me, if u want to see what ur bud is actually like u need to air dry. heat and air movement.


Active Member
Oh im glad I read the rest of the thread. I was like why the hell did you do all that. You went out of your way lol.


Active Member
i think all newbies should cut there plant early the first time. experience is the best teacher. i microwave for fast dry.... i rather have no taste and no smell then for it to taste like shit


Well-Known Member
my super lemon haze can be dried on a toaster n still tastes realll good
More likely is that you don't know what real good weed tastes like.

Fast dried bud tastes and smokes like shit, always.

Even bud that has been dried properly but is not far along in cure tastes nothing like it eventually will.

But hey, it's your pot to do with what you like! :)


Well-Known Member
def agree....any herb that has not been cured properly imo loses at least half its potency and all of its smoothness...this is imo almost guaranteed to be done incorrectly the first time or two that someone grows...they key is not to be over worried your going to get mold and actually let the pot ferment a little, the longer you can stretch the cure and keep it moist the better it will turn out in the end!!