Will my plants survive or produce quality bud in this climate?

LOL, Manitoba's record low temp is -52.8, here in Ontario our record low was -58.3. Trust me, we get some cold temps here in Ontario as well.
Like I said M
I know, and I cannot argue about Toronto. All the pollution in Toronto keeps it much warmer :bigjoint:
yeag man up north is different ball game. But come to Winnipeg Jan-feb and you’ll leave within 5 mins haha last year I think we had several deaths from the cold. Since were in the prairie we get that cold windshield. Once u get closer to the ocean it gets a bit warmer.
I'm in NWO and the temp swings from day to night are starting to get dangerous to plants.

We've had a three days of frost over night and back up to 25C days.

I'm glad I'm indoors this year.
We had our last 20+ c weather on Saturday. Now it’s only gonna get colder. Until the sun meet the snow.