Will my neighbors diseased trees mess my marijuana plants up?


Well-Known Member
So basically my neighbor has these two trees (not pot plants) that are about 60-100 feet tall (twice as big as a telephone pole). This tree has spots all over the leaves and looks like it is diseased as shit, and it has sap coming out of the sides.

Basically the tree 20 years ago had bark, now it only has bark on the lower 10 feet. This tree is about 40 years old. I really wish they would cut them down because they have infested houses with termites (I believe this is true because I see em fly into the trees). The owners kicked the people out who rented it for 30 years and now the owners living there... lol... he fixed up the house and now its nice but these trees... Ewwww....

No other trees look like this in my neighborhood except theirs...

Does anyone think these will somehow infest my plant with mites or some type of other crop killer, that these trees might just be badasses they have been fighting this disease for like 20 years and there not dead... (the leaves fall off then regrow green then spot automatically reappear every year, some weird shit, animals dont even live in it... and they live in all the other trees...

Can someone give me an answer as to why these trees are not dead and most importantly should I be worried about my girls...

(ive realize they probably wont infest them with a disease, because these trees are so old they can't fight diseases like they could so there more open to tree disease. What I am worried about is thrips, mites, aphids, fungus gnats, spider mites, and any other tinny creature that the wind can blow to my plant)

Any info helps thanks!


Well-Known Member
I would walk around the corner, introduce myself and ask him what is wrong with it.
I mean, to you it looks like it may fall in your yard and should come down right?

Ask him, he may know whats killing it.
I'm sure there are diseases that may be specific to the tree but still dying foliage is a breeding ground for insects of all kinds.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
"Most" destructive tree bugs are species specific. They like one type of tree and are good at killing it.
It is very unlikely it would like cannabis. If it is a general pest and mega infested, that could be a different story and could be a threat to you own property.
If it is termites, you may want to have a home inspection from a pest controlling company. Termites destroy from the inside out. When you notice it, your already pretty much fucked.


I would guess that if the trees leaves are covered in spots it is actually some form of fungus not insects. Large trees are often affected with tar spot which is a fungus that is purely cosmetic and will not hurt the tree (or your grow).


Well-Known Member
Fersure, I know for a fact we have termites but they are the kind that are in the soil, so you can not kill them unless you tent the house and poison ALL OF YOUR FRONT AND BACK YARD SOIL! Which means I would be fucked... Right now I'm letting the termites live in my neighbors house, but the day they cut that tree like 2 months ago (by cutting it I mean they trimmed it) there were about 40 dead termites (fully winged and shelled, adults, almost at end of life cycle). The bad part was these termites might not have infested my house or my soil, but I know they are in the tree. Now the bad part is those termites were guard termites so they leaves a sent behind when they die which should attract more unless it is significantly far away (40-100 feet, which they are). Anyways I cant risk tenting the house right now, the house is 30 years old (remodeled 16 years ago) dont want to tent it, its never had 1 termite problem and if they just started it wont be awhile before damage starts to occur. As for the trees, I cut them down after sedating the family, no just kidding haha, I will talk to the guy tomorrow.