Will My Ladies Be Ok Till My Light Arrives????+Rep


Well-Known Member
I put in my order for my 600w 6-7 days ago and im still waiting for it. One of my girls aren't looking so good and i think its because the short amount of light she was getting. So basically my few questions are will this be enough to temporarily give them more light till my light gets here There are 2 20w Bulbs the exact same and this one 13w? How much and How Often should i feed my girls?

Here is my poor Blueberry Dwarf her poor leaves are drooping bad :( Please help



Well-Known Member
Sorry i didnt mean light i ment Water. I am planning on keeping those on all night then putting them back into the Sun tomorrow morning ill just switch until my light gets here my 600w Growbright Bulbs will be here tomorrow along with all my Hydroponic system needs i might just transplant them into the system. With a 10 gallon Tote it would be easy to move into the sun I HOPE MY FU^^ING LIGHT COMES SOON What good are bulbs with no light lol


Active Member
get the light above them and move it up to about 12 inchs away and leave it on 24 hrs. water when the top crust is dry probably every other day with some run off in those cups. once there a few weeks old up-pot and start your nute regiment. start with a 1/4 streangth nute and make your way up to full nute over a few weeks, i do water-water-nute, once you up-pot to your next size pot. good luck man and keep em green!

Cpl. CornB33F

Active Member
Awww. Water them about 3 or 5 days. Water them until water goes all the way through the holes on the bottom of your cup. You have holes on the bottom of your cup right?


Well-Known Member
Yup i have 3to 4 holes to each cup I got these from Medical Gardens in Foco Colorado. I barely watered them today they will be ok though