Will my dope ever smell right?


Active Member
I harvested some plants two weeks ago. They werent pulled early, and I did a trich analysis. Heres the thing though. I put them in this box and the humidity was probably around 70% moost of the time, and one day the box got really hot for a few hoirs, like 90s. Anyway my dope smells like hay. I had some Jack Herer in there i jarred cuz the stems were cracking, and after 4 days it still doesnt smell very dopish...it looks good though. I got some WW and WMD too that just dont have good smell. Am i screwed? Will the smell come back? 'm scared actually...

I've done quite a few harvests now and never had this problem, but always used a lwo himdity room ( Air conditioned)


Well-Known Member
How many days were they in the box, and is it vented at all?
For good air flow i mean.
I'm not sure 4 days in jars is enough time with the conditions
they dried in?


Active Member
yeah it was vented, and they were in there 8 days. The Jack is starting to smell a tiny bit, but the WMD doesnt really smell like anything, not hay or dope.

edit- the buds look good, they are crystalled, dense, and nice.


Well-Known Member
dude, a couple hours in the 90s might have locked in the chlorophyll, could be why it tastes planty and like hay. hope it turns out good though


Active Member
is that what happens with the heat? The chlorophyll gets locked in there? Fuck i hope that is not what is happening. i tried some of the WW and it was plenty dry, but it tasted like pure ass. We are talking about a beautiful crystalled White Widow flowered 64 days. I'm scared....


Active Member
Like fdd says u picked early if the smell isnt there norm righ after hang if it smells lik grass it was picked early but most pick early b4 golden shade comes in


Active Member
no they smelled great when i put them in the box, and they werent early. Well i guess I'm just jarring and crossing my fingers....


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine, It's not a big deal. if they havent started growing mold yet then i dont think they are going to. It is normal for the bud to smell like hay after drying a bit, dont worry, thats chlorophyll escaping that you smell, like with wet hay itself, 4 days is nowhere near enough curing time to expect best taste and smell and potency levels after a good 2 probally 3 week cure they will all be alot better.


Active Member
UPdate 3 days later. The white widow is coming back strong, teh WMD, and the Jack are slower. They are getting that fruity smell to them again, but it's weak. It's looks great smells ...meh...tastes...shitty. We'll see. I definetly learned my lesson on high temps in drying. I've dried 11 crops in a row and this was the forst time I've had this prob. Sucks to have kind nuggs that smell like shwaag!


Well-Known Member
The longer you cure, the more the bud will start to release it's true aroma! I go for at least a whole month of curing!
