Will my cloning setup work???


This is my first time ever cloning and I need some advice on if this setup will work? I took 24 clones put 4 in rock wool cubes and the rest in soil. I place them close together in my shower and put a semi-seethrough plastic container over them. I also "ghetto rigged" a 26w florescent light with a reflector about 8 to 10 inches above the top of the container which I have been leaving on 24 hrs. This is the end of day 2 and they show no signs of withering but i know its to early to tell if they are going to make it. I keep it very humid in there spraying bottled water on the leaves every hour or two as well as the top of the container. Here are some pics, and any advice is appreciated.Photo on 6-8-12 at 5.02 PM #2.jpgPhoto on 6-8-12 at 5.02 PM.jpgPhoto on 6-8-12 at 4.50 PM #2.jpg


Active Member
As long as you're providing your cuttings with sufficient warmth and humidity you'll be fine. If you're getting condensation inside the plastic lid that you're using to cover them, you should be good. Using a rooting hormone will speed up the process and improve success rate, but it's not absolutely necessary. Just remember to keep them moist and within 10-14 days you should see new growth appearing.


thanks I forgot to add I used Clone X rooting hormone. in 10-14 days how should I check on them should I just pull the plant up and look for root growth??? or will I be able to tell with out checking the roots? I know this is a broad question but does any one have a rough guesstimate on what the success rate will be if I planted 24 clones?


I was doing research and it said a lot of ppl lower it every few days but I serisouly have no clue wut to do wen it comes to cloning.


Active Member
I put my clones directly into soil and then simply wait for new shoots or leaves to appear. If you've properly taken your cuttings and used a cloning powder or gel, you should see new growth in two weeks or less. Personally, I rarely, if ever lose cuttings anymore, but some strains can be more finicky than others when it comes to rooting. As long as they are kept warm and moist, you should see an 80% success rate or better regardless of strain.


Well-Known Member
Don't pull them out of the planting medium! You should see roots emerging from the bottom and sides.


Well-Known Member
most people that have cloned for a while do not have a dedicated clone light, they just let the side light from veg do it. the closer and more intense the light is when trying to make roots will make the cutting use more energy to move water not make roots. when u want the plant to grow is when u want the lights close.

and really guys, this is not rocket science, its a weed. i use only tap water in my cloner,no need to ph, slice a cutting from the plant, trim the leaves a little and straight into cloner. no additives. ive had over 20 strains in the last year and, yes some strains take a little longer than others, but all will root in 7-11 days and only one i ever lost was due to sprayer facing wrong direction and it didnt get water in the far corner.


the only lights I have are 2 1000w HPS and my plants in my veg room are still small so the light can't be to high up right now its only about 4 feet off the ground and about 3 feet above the plants i am currently vegging. would it be better to put my clones off to the side in my veg room or would tht light be to powerful?


Well-Known Member
dude, if its too much for vegging its too much for clones. 2000w of hps for vegging? and you have to keep it that high should tell you that. serioisly, why are you wasting so much energy on those plants. at least get a mh or some cfls or a t5. thats like having 10000w for 1 plant in flower.


Well-Known Member
If the clones take root, depending on the size of the cube you will begin to see roots showing out of the cube, that's the time to transplant, don't forget that once they show roots you need to gradually expose them to air, a little at a time. say 5 mins or so the first, then 10 the next and so forth. They must gradually aclamate to fesh air before removing them from the hood....you could place small objects under the hood to raise it a little then the next day raise it more and so forth 'till you achieve having the hood completely off. works for me all the time....Hope this helps


I bought these lights a few years ago when I had some $ now Im flat broke n can't reely afford any new lights. I know ur not supposed to use HPS in veg and I plan on getting a mh after this harvest, I figure I'm doing SOG an they'll only be veggin for about 2 weeks maybe 3. and my electricity is very cheap where I'm at it only costs 25$ a month to run one 1000w light, i think its around $0.03sumtin kw/h. I have 2 1000w HPS light but I am only using one in my veg room, sorry i should have been more specific.


NEED HELP, I believe today is day 4, and few are showing signs of yellowing. I have done some research and everybody is saying different reasons for why this happens I read tht it is possible I am over watering. I spray them all the time (bout a good spray once an hour) I have cut back on it today. 2 out of 24 are completely dead I took them out and tossed em, Its like the bottom if their stem was as flimsy as a piece of string. A good amount of them are looking healthy. But I have no idea if the yellow leaf thing will spread, or if the ones that already have yellowing leaves on them will die.... What should I do???
Photo on 6-12-12 at 3.11 PM.jpgPhoto on 6-12-12 at 3.10 PM.jpg


Hey guys jus putem into veg. first attempt at cloning and with bag seed I had 21 out of 24 successful babies. the other 3 I lost to I think root rot. Im happy wit it. Thanks for all the advice!!!!


If it works for you then in reality, that's all that matters. I've looked over your images and the only "upgrade" advice I could possibly give in all reality is get rid of that dome top you are using, yes it allows light in but the general rule of thumb would be clear tops always work better because they don't restrict the light you are trying to give to your clones. Oh, and trim up the leaves some, this will assist in putting more energy into the root formation and less in the leaf.

Have fun and Happy Growing.


Thnx JayBlunt definitely agree. this time I was just using what was available even tho I realize its very cheap if not free to find a clear dome. But definitely will upgrade nxt cycle. Oh n i forgot to say I trimmed the leaves when I transplanted em.