will my buds get fuller?

All four of my girls are budding in my greenhouse but the temp and sun seem to drop more and more everyday. My question is that my bud hair is turning red and I'm just wondering if this lack of sun and cold temp will affect my girls buds from filling up?


Well-Known Member
all phones take pics these days but either way are you giving them flowering nuets.. the temp thing isn't a huge issue unless it gets really cold since your in a green house but the light will deffinatly effect your end product.. if your not done with flowering try suplementing during the day with a grow light if you really think its an issue.. just an idea?


Well-Known Member
I've had about a 15-20 degree drop in night time temps the past 5 days, and my plants seem to love it. (From 75-80 nights to 60-65, and daytime temps have gone from mid to upper 90's to 80's)
Well yes I have a camera on my cell but I can't seem to find a way to post pics on here? Help me out? And I have my hps currently growing autos in my grow room and no I dnt use nutes just ff soil they r monsters so you guys think lack of sun will make the buds not fill up? They r all over the place just not full