will my buds get bigger???


Well-Known Member
I am jealous of those monsters. Looks very good! How tall? Mine just pasted 4 ft and im starting to worry bout running out of room.


Well-Known Member
It started as an experment, the "see if i can grow", lol. Turned into me wanting to yield as much as possible once I realizied I could grow. Since I only had one plant from start and was super lucky enough for it to be a girl, I may have vegged a little long...lol
It is not very practical for an inside grow... unles you had high cealings. My next grow I will folw in yor foot steps and keep em small. Looking very good bro! Keep on keep'n on....


Well-Known Member
thanks :) that made my day!!! i would like big yeilds.... but im not sure if big plants is the way to go.... i think a ton of little plants will yeild more then one big plant ... correct me if im wrong


Well-Known Member
I have come to the same conclusion, more is better! Also not practical to have 5 - 6 foot plants in your closet! lol... I have def learned a lot... more than intendid... the best teacher was hands on experiance, and some quality reasurance from paitren saints such as yourself... I am totally more excited for my next grow than my, "big yield"..lol..this time! I posted some new pics under my thread check em out...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
dont go by the leaves, i have grown strains that still have every single green leaf intact when the trichomes go amber.. if u cant get a small magnifying glass to check the trichomes, go by the hairs turning red. about 2/3 of them go red, u harvest..

^^^^^I wouldn't take this advice if you paid me. NEVER GO OFF HARVEST BY THE COLOUR OF THE HAIRS, by the time some of the hairs have gone red/orange the THC could of already deteriorated significantly. I suggest you buy a cheap 60x to 100x pocket microscope from Amazon as they are only $5. Buying this will not only help you greatly, bud-wise and learning wise. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
They won't get 10-30% bigger those are barely developed they're going to get MUCH bigger....................


Active Member
try a wire screen next time instead of the cloth or string your using now . it will help keep the girls tied down better . when i switched from cloth to wire screen my buds went from thumb size on first grow to 16oz soda can size almost 12 inch tall . keep then even out so the cola's all compete for light . if one is shadowing the rest your limiting your yield from the get go . I've seen a lot of people curving their screen on a radius around the light . This makes a lot of since with my theory and i will be putting this in place on next indoor grow . Always make sure your girls are deep dark green when you switch to flowing too . You don't want to make the switch with them being under fed . Like others said don't cut em down early . wait for it they swell and ooze the most the last two weeks . The cheep magnifying glass is less then 20 bucs at radio shack or hydro store .