will my 250w hps safely work with one of these attached?

the third prong is for the ground, if you are really worried you can tie the ground to the neutral (wire going to the smaller prong on the plug)


Well-Known Member
house has only 2 prong outlets would it be fine to plug my 250w hps/mh into a surger protector or power strip then take the 3prong plug from either the surger protector or power and use one of these converters? will it run safely? and if there are any other better alternatives you cn think of let me know! thanks you!

That little brass or copper clip is designed to have a copper wire connected to it and the other end connected to a ground source such as metal plumbing.

The ground plug is designed to draw power away from the cover of the electrical device (in this case the light) if it becomes energized. If you do not have a ground and there is an electrical issue you could receive a shock. And with a large wattage light I could not tell you if that shock might be fatal. Now, I am not trying to be melodramatic, a bunch of things have to go wrong for the exterior of tha light to become energized.

But yes, your light would function when plugged into that, it just wouldnt have any grounding protection.


New Member
the clip is actualy designed to screw to the screw holding your outlets wall plate to receptacle but it will also work the way u said

That little brass or copper clip is designed to have a copper wire connected to it and the other end connected to a ground source such as metal plumbing.

The ground plug is designed to draw power away from the cover of the electrical device (in this case the light) if it becomes energized. If you do not have a ground and there is an electrical issue you could receive a shock. And with a large wattage light I could not tell you if that shock might be fatal. Now, I am not trying to be melodramatic, a bunch of things have to go wrong for the exterior of tha light to become energized.

But yes, your light would function when plugged into that, it just wouldnt have any grounding protection.


Well-Known Member
the clip is actualy designed to screw to the screw holding your outlets wall plate to receptacle but it will also work the way u said
That is assuming the wiring is in conduit and then you could use the conduit as a ground. But without connecting to some type of ground you risk shock.


New Member
where did u get that i said not to ground it
if u use in wall plug it is grounded by the cover screw and if used elsewhere u have to improvise like a wire that u suggested
i never said dont worry about grounding it i said what the tab is designed for is all or did i mention conduit i said wall plug

That is assuming the wiring is in conduit and then you could use the conduit as a ground. But without connecting to some type of ground you risk shock.


Well-Known Member
where did u get that i said not to ground it
if u use in wall plug it is grounded by the cover screw and if used elsewhere u have to improvise like a wire that u suggested
i never said dont worry about grounding it i said what the tab is designed for is all or did i mention conduit i said wall plug
What is the cover screw grounded to?


New Member
the ground strip dude
if u r going to say someone is wrong make sure u r right first

24k Gold Plated Wall Outlet

Posted By Jake Easton on October 25, 2009

For audiophiles with more money than sense: The $148 "audio grade" power socket.

From the manufacturer:
If you are building your own audiophile power cord to improve component performance, you need the WattGate 381 receptacle. Why build a performance power cable only to plug it into the same receptacle that's been in use for almost 100 years?
WattGate's 381 is a no compromise solution for the demanding AV enthusiast. Construction of the 381 is top-notch and features glass-filled, nylon front and rear housings. Mounting strap, rivets and grounding strip are 24k gold plated, solid brass for the ultimate in corrosion resistance and power transfer.

What is the cover screw grounded to?


Well-Known Member
the ground strip dude
if u r going to say someone is wrong make sure u r right first

24k Gold Plated Wall Outlet

Posted By Jake Easton on October 25, 2009

For audiophiles with more money than sense: The $148 "audio grade" power socket.

From the manufacturer:
If you are building your own audiophile power cord to improve component performance, you need the WattGate 381 receptacle. Why build a performance power cable only to plug it into the same receptacle that's been in use for almost 100 years?
WattGate's 381 is a no compromise solution for the demanding AV enthusiast. Construction of the 381 is top-notch and features glass-filled, nylon front and rear housings. Mounting strap, rivets and grounding strip are 24k gold plated, solid brass for the ultimate in corrosion resistance and power transfer.
First of all that is a high amperage 3 prong electrical outlet. The OP has original or replacement 2 prong outlets. So, start with that.

There is no guarantee that the cover plate screw connects to anything other than the outlet junction box. And if that is not connected to the ground then you are not protected just by connecting the little clip with the cover plate screw. That was my point.


New Member
dude i dont care what his house has i didnt comment on that i said what they tab on adaptor was for go pick a fight with someone else is that all u do here look for fights
go back at look at my post then u will see my point

First of all that is a high amperage 3 prong electrical outlet. The OP has original or replacement 2 prong outlets. So, start with that.

There is no guarantee that the cover plate screw connects to anything other than the outlet junction box. And if that is not connected to the ground then you are not protected just by connecting the little clip with the cover plate screw. That was my point.


Well-Known Member
dude i dont care what his house has i didnt comment on that i said what they tab on adaptor was for go pick a fight with someone else is that all u do here look for fights
go back at look at my post then u will see my point
I am not picking a fight with you, I am picking a fight with your information.

You just said that a NON-GROUNDED 2 prong outlet has a GROUND STRIP... LOL!!!

And you backed it up by showing a picutre of a 3 prong grounded outlet with a ground strip.

But hey, lets not let facts get into the way of anything...


New Member
no i didnt i said plugs have them that was tab is designed for i didnt say his was but show me the fucking quote proving i said that he has a ground strip u asked what the screw grounds to i posted pi off modern plug i answered your ? i didnt say it would work for him or did i say use anything i was just informing u what that tab is really meant for
and u want to try to twist my words around i dont get that

show me were i said a 2 prong has a ground show me i'll wait
dont troll me u wont like it

I am not picking a fight with you, I am picking a fight with your information.

You just said that a NON-GROUNDED 2 prong outlet has a GROUND STRIP... LOL!!!

And you backed it up by showing a picutre of a 3 prong grounded outlet with a ground strip.

But hey, lets not let facts get into the way of anything...


Well-Known Member
i didnt say it would work for him
Which is what I was afraid of. Someone who doesnt know electrical might just say... Oh hey, you just screw this little coverplate screw on there and problem solved...

Then a little electricity, a little water and what doesnt kill ya makes ya stronger right?

I am a big proponent of safety...


New Member
i see that but u said i said things i didnt to make that point of safety where is the quotes of mine i asked u to produce backing up what u said i said im still waiting :sleep:

Which is what I was afraid of. Someone who doesnt know electrical might just say... Oh hey, you just screw this little coverplate screw on there and problem solved...

Then a little electricity, a little water and what doesnt kill ya makes ya stronger right?

I am a big proponent of safety...


Well-Known Member
i see that but u said i said things i didnt to make that point of safety where is the quotes of mine i asked u to produce backing up what u said i said im still waiting :sleep:
the clip is actualy designed to screw to the screw holding your outlets wall plate to receptacle
You said it right there...

Look Fabfun, I just clairified your statement due to safety issues. I understand you are butt hurt about it. I am really not interested in reading any more PM's or arguing more. I got my point in and hopefully the OP has the correct info.



New Member
not butthurt i didnt mean his outlets i meant what the tab was for so fuck off troll
as that seems to be all u do here is look for a way to start shit get a fucking life troll there is a whole world besides riu or the net lmao what a joke

You said it right there...

Look Fabfun, I just clairified your statement due to safety issues. I understand you are butt hurt about it. I am really not interested in reading any more PM's or arguing more. I got my point in and hopefully the OP has the correct info.



New Member
yes u troll very well

You said it right there...

Look Fabfun, I just clairified your statement due to safety issues. I understand you are butt hurt about it. I am really not interested in reading any more PM's or arguing more. I got my point in and hopefully the OP has the correct info.



Well-Known Member
not butthurt i didnt mean his outlets i meant what the tab was for so fuck off troll
as that seems to be all u do here is look for a way to start shit get a fucking life troll there is a whole world besides riu or the net lmao what a joke
My account here is 2 years older than yours and I have less than 1/2 of your postcount.

Troll is one of the most overused terms on the internet...


New Member
dont be jealous maybe that is because i help more then u im here to help not start fights and i seen your post u do it well and seems to be all your post r shitstarter post so stop using site to fuck with people and help people im done with u feel free to talk shit while im gone to go help people

My account here is 2 years older than yours and I have less than 1/2 of your postcount.

Troll is one of the most overused terms on the internet...


Well-Known Member
dont be jealous maybe that is because i help more then u im here to help not start fights and i seen your post u do it well and seems to be all your post r shitstarter post so stop using site to fuck with people and help people im done with u feel free to talk shit while im gone to go help people
I helped this guy.

You chimed in with a fact that you later admitted had nothing to do with his setup. Which is wierd because the OP was about HIS setup, not some generic piece of information that is only useful in an electrical system with an installed ground wire. Kinda like someone popping into a conversation to state *I like Pie*

I corrected the issue and tried to make sure the OP and any other people reading this understood that just screwing the converter to the coverplate of a 2 prong outlet was not sufficient. I am still correct on that.

Somehow, for doing this I am labelled a troll. Really, I dont deserve this shit...