Will Mueller be fired?

if it happens, i will be there !!!!
I've shown up. Three major rallies this year. They aren't exactly protests, more of a rebuke of the present administration's healthcare policies and to show support for my representatives who opposed Republican policies and legislation. One was to counter demonstrate against neo-Nazis. So far it all feels like a prelude. Shits going to get real if Republicans get us into a war.
Mueller will be fired.

Nothing will happen because of it.

New drama will be created early next year that takes over the media frenzy.

The House may go Democrat, but the Senate won't.

Trump will remain in office until at least 2020.
The pessimist in me says, 'look at all the good protesting the shit gibbon's policies has done so far'.

The optimist in me says, 'if we all stand together, our government will listen'.

But will we all stand together? I'll be there. Will everyone else show up?
Eff you and your pessimist/optimist bs. The marches this year are only a beginning but they are a beginning.

Many are already showing up. Have you?

10 Things The Women’s March On Washington Accomplished

What good comes from organizing and agitating? Alabama, baby.
Mueller will be fired.

Nothing will happen because of it.

New drama will be created early next year that takes over the media frenzy.

The House may go Democrat, but the Senate won't.

Trump will remain in office until at least 2020.

Elections matter.
Fuck the welfare of society, Hillary had emails and was accused of cheating.
There is an unseen majority of liberal progressives who don't vote because they'd rather have Trump than a corporate shill in office. If Democrats would only run fire breathing progressives, the whole country would vote for liberal progressives.
There is an unseen majority of liberal progressives who don't vote because they'd rather have Trump than a corporate shill in office.

The problem is that there simply aren't enough liberals in the country. I mean Hillary lost because nobody voted for her.
mueller is gonna fuck trump up

Mueller will be fired.

Nothing will happen because of it.

New drama will be created early next year that takes over the media frenzy.

The House may go Democrat, but the Senate won't.

Trump will remain in office until at least 2020.

Exactly! If in fact Mueller did illegally obtain those transition emails and is basing his investigation on them, then he should be fired. You do not get to break the law to enforce the law, (although I realize police do it frequently).

Most of the people that voted for Trump have been swayed by all the reports that there was some sort of collusion, but most no longer care. I mean it's not like Hillary wouldn't have done it. Time to stop wasting tax dollars on this b.s. investigation and move on. He'll be there until 2020, deal with it.
Exactly! If in fact Mueller did illegally obtain those transition emails and is basing his investigation on them, then he should be fired. You do not get to break the law to enforce the law, (although I realize police do it frequently).

Most of the people that voted for Trump have been swayed by all the reports that there was some sort of collusion, but most no longer care. I mean it's not like Hillary wouldn't have done it. Time to stop wasting tax dollars on this b.s. investigation and move on. He'll be there until 2020, deal with it.

LOCK HIM UP (if true)

you cucks will contort yourselves into pretzels to defend the racist orange savior king
Exactly! If in fact Mueller did illegally obtain those transition emails and is basing his investigation on them, then he should be fired. You do not get to break the law to enforce the law, (although I realize police do it frequently).

Most of the people that voted for Trump have been swayed by all the reports that there was some sort of collusion, but most no longer care. I mean it's not like Hillary wouldn't have done it. Time to stop wasting tax dollars on this b.s. investigation and move on. He'll be there until 2020, deal with it.

"if in fact"

You took a statement from the lawyer of the accused as "if in fact". Nobody else associated with the case says that. I know you can't understand this but Trump lies. All the time.

"if in fact"

too funny, this.
Things a non-smart would say:
Exactly! If in fact Mueller did illegally obtain those transition emails and is basing his investigation on them, then he should be fired. You do not get to break the law to enforce the law, (although I realize police do it frequently).

Most of the people that voted for Trump have been swayed by all the reports that there was some sort of collusion, but most no longer care. I mean it's not like Hillary wouldn't have done it. Time to stop wasting tax dollars on this b.s. investigation and move on. He'll be there until 2020, deal with it.
How can one be "swayed" by something if they don't care about it?

Because it's the only thing the liberal, left wing, media ever talks about, so even the people that voted for Trump are "brainwashed" into believing it's true even if it has still yet to be completely proven after a full year of investigations. So ok it's true, (I'm brainwashed now too), so who gives a fuck, not me. That new tax plan is the best thing that could've happened if you file single, no dependents.
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