Will LST'ng a plant cause it to go hermie ?


Well-Known Member
I got a 5 pack of Feminized Burmese Kush seeds (T.H. Seeds ). No issues at all with anything...the only thing I did was LST/SCROG. After spending about 12 days in flowering , I'm noticing what appears to be male flowers...alot of them..mixed in with the white hairs.

Is this typical when using "Feminized" seeds? Are they unstable ? Or do some plants do this when LST'd ?

I want to start a new one, but if LST'ng will cause it to hermie out, that's bad and I need to switch to a new strain because I don't have room for tall plants .

Help !?

Thanks in advance


Active Member
I'm sorry but I can't be of any help. I will be learning from your problem though. Post pics though.


Well-Known Member
Yes it can, but not always. The way they make fem seeds is to stress the female plant.
I have used fem seeds several times under a scrog and only when I really stress them do I see male parts.


Well-Known Member
Yes it can, but not always. The way they make fem seeds is to stress the female plant.
I have used fem seeds several times under a scrog and only when I really stress them do I see male parts.
Thanks Cruzer. Do you know if I spend the time to pluck them all off with tweezers, will the plant continue to produce male parts over the span of its flowering cycle?


Well-Known Member
Yes it will, no biggie really, you cut them before they mature and no pollen.
Do you think it's worth it to keep growing her and just pulling the flowers ? I hate to lose such a nice plant ....hehe.

I'll put up some pics so maybe you can judge if it's gonna be worth it for me to just yank the plant, or to take the time to pull the little male flowers as I see them.


Well-Known Member
LST alone will not cause herms . Fem seeds are known for producing herms , but more than likely its an enviromental factor.


Active Member
Let me see if I understand Lst correctly, I understand that its Low Stress Training, is this correct? And if it involves not cutting just bending over and tying off why would it change the plant. There must be other factors to turn hermie. I had one throw balls, I spent hours a day looking em over, its teadeous but possible. Better than seeds


Well-Known Member
Yea...I have done some research and I guess feminized seeds , while almost always producing females...also have an increased rate of displaying male traits. Feminised seeds are made from a hermaphrodite plant pollenating itself. So ...since the parent that created the feminized seed was also hermaphroditic , the children seeds will also inherit this trait.


Well-Known Member
Yea...I have done some research and I guess feminized seeds , while almost always producing females...also have an increased rate of displaying male traits. Feminised seeds are made from a hermaphrodite plant pollenating itself. So ...since the parent that created the feminized seed was also hermaphroditic , the children seeds will also inherit this trait.
+rep You did the research and found the answer


Well-Known Member
the parent plant become hermaphroditic in an artificial way (using Colloidal Silver), good breeders wouldn't make feminized seed out of a plant with hermaphroditic genetics.
Fem seeds are not made from stress. They are made from using colloidal silver sprayed onto a bud which in turn makes it develop male parts without stressing the plant. The reason this happens is its no changing the genetics of the plant which makes the genes in th seed be female/female. If you stress it to hermi you have have hermi seeds due to the genetics being female/male.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I have mothered a lot of plants and the females have always remained female no matter what the stress. If the plan is to grow more than one plant you should stick to the plant(s) that is/are normal and doesn't show both sexes. Myself personally have never witnessed a plant with male and female parts.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Your plant hermied because the genetics u are using have a tendency to Hermie.LST didn't cause your plant to Hermie.. The fact that it is feminized didn't cause your plant to Hermie your plant just sucks find a stronger one that can handle life...its a mixture of things like temps, light schedule, light leaks, humidity, proper ventilation bugs perhaps. Feeding schedule topping or training... Its a little bit of each and the plant being a little bitch don't help. Or maybe even if you did everything right it still would hermie if that's the case then its just unstable whatever it is it all comes back to a weak sucky plant.....
Dude.. there's less arrogant and egotistical was of saying the plant was a weaker genetic strain. Also there's no guarantee his plant us weak. Some seeds are just leaned toward hermi trust due to stress leading up in generations of mother and father plants. There's no sure way to know why a plant has turned there's to many factors for any of us to know. You have a more general idea of the conditions and affection provided to your plant. Any assailed can say your shit sucks just to avoid having to answer your question with a valid and generalized answer as to a few possible reason it may have turned. Cannabis has a way of going hermi when it thinks it won't survive and produces pollen sack to promote the life of future plants and there's multiple reasons the plant can think it won't survive even as odd a thing as co2 withdraws or light spectrum or a multitude of thing


Well-Known Member
Uh.. Wtf????


Hermies are around because marijuana at some point in its millions of years history, decided that there was not enough pollen to help continue its line, so, it did the next best thing to ensure its survival, it hermied. That hermie genetic is then passed down for every consecutive generation. Not ALL plants carry the hermie gene... Some plants you can highly abuse, and they won't budge from their female genetic traits. Other plants that are closer to the hermie introduction, will suffer the hermie trait more frequently.

the further away you have bred from the hermie trait, the less likely the plant will hermie when stressed.

the hermie gene HAS to be present for a plant to hermie, without it, it won't.

feminized seeds are seeds made from a hermied female, that self pollinated.

All seeds from this plant will either be hermies or females... Meaning, all seeds carry the femenized gene.

Get it?
There is no hermi gene moron. A plants sex is based on chromosomes from earlier breeding. Im done arguing with people who enjoy presenting the same information in a different way to boost thier non existant ego. Do some research and stop trying to degrade people for your own personal ego boost