Will it Hurt My Plants?


Hey guys!
Last week was crazy. My father found out that I was having a grow box in the basement, but I told him I grew some tropical plants and tomatoes (he doesn't know what MJ smells like :) ). Of course he shouted at me because of the electricity bill. Well, to sum it up, I had to turn the lights off and my plants are in the middle/end of flowering :evil:!!! I took the plants and put them on the roof our house, to make sure that the neighbors don't smell it. Now, because I didn't keep track of these plants (meaning I don't know exactly when I induced flowering) I can't tell for sure when they're ready - well, I have a microscope so I can check the trichromes. I guess the one plant (lemon skunk) should be ready in a week, max. 10 days. The other plant (Royal haze) looks pretty clear now (meaning the trichromes), so I guess I should give it another two to three weeks.
I really fear that the drastic change in light duration could affect negatively my plants' development. Does anyone ever have experienced something similar? Don't wanna loose my pot :cry:... What could happen in the worst case with my plants?

Edit: Shit, there was something else that I wanted to ask you, but I forgot... fucking weed :evil:


Well-Known Member
If they are halfway done then another 10 days isn't gonna be long enough to finish flowering.. You don't have a clue when you induced flowering?


Pff... well, it must have been around 10 weeks from seed. While my old plants where flowering I found these two seeds and just put them in a pot. So they started with 12/12 actually.


Well-Known Member
ahhhhhh i c said the blind man, I remember the first plant I grew I had it in my window and told my mom that it was a rose bush and she believed me, shit she even watered it for me.. too bad it stretched so much that it ended up dying. But good luck bro hope everything works out for ya


Well-Known Member
as long as they get 12 hours of darkness they will bud
do you have a shed or garage for the dark period?


No there is no way I can get the plants indoor because the whole house will stink LOL. Like I said, I hope that the trash bag will work, but thanks for the tip.
Edit: Oh I just remembered my question :D ! Well, it's a little bit off-topic, but I don't want to open a whole new thread for one question. It's about the drying process. I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but in order to get evenly dry buds I have to cut them in smaller nuggets. On the other hand I read that they should be dried as a whole and when the stem snaps they're ready. I used this method at my first grow but the weed was still somehow moist from the inside, but really really dry from the outside, so pretty uneven. Is it a problem, or will the buds loose their potency if I cut them into smaller pieces before drying? Another benefit of this method would be that they dry faster as the surface is smaller. Just my 2 c's....


Well-Known Member
If they're on the roof, doesn't that mean they'll go through nights ??? Unless you're in the artic somewhere...LOL....as long as your plants didn't stay in the dark over a couple of days, not a prob.....


Yes they are, but isn't it obligatory to be a 12 hour darkness period? Here it gets dark at 9-9:30 p.m. and the sun rises at 5:30 am so I got like 8 hours of darkness. Dunno know if it is sufficient...

Los Muertos

Active Member
ahhhhhh i c said the blind man, I remember the first plant I grew I had it in my window and told my mom that it was a rose bush and she believed me, shit she even watered it for me..
lol That's hilarious! I could prolly get away with that with my mom too. She's the sweetest person I know, but naive as hell!


Well-Known Member
the way i cure my bud is i freshly trim it. Right when its done i trim all the buds and put them into a paper bag. Every 1 hour to hour and thirty(Or everytime you think about it) Just turn the bag a bit. All this done with a fan going 24/7 and my bud perfectly dry in 5-6 days.


Well-Known Member
yup if you own your house and get caught growing he is absolutely right they can seize and most likely will try... GOOD ADVICE


I thought about that and I hide my plants pretty well behind a few other big plants. Forgot to mention that they're both tiny (like 20" max.) and somehow they don't have the characteristic fan leaves. They don't look shit like marijuana if you look at them from far away. The smell fades away completely after 2 meters away from the plant, so no problems with that also.
the way i cure my bud is i freshly trim it. Right when its done i trim all the buds and put them into a paper bag. Every 1 hour to hour and thirty(Or everytime you think about it) Just turn the bag a bit. All this done with a fan going 24/7 and my bud perfectly dry in 5-6 days.
So you don't chop your bud into smaller pieces? I also read that some people press the buds in order to become compact and hard. Any idea if this is beneficial?


Well-Known Member
no don't do that, there is not benefit to doing that unless your selling it in large amounts and have to move alot in small spaces.. Keep your nugs lookin like nugs


All right, thx for the input. Damn, I'm really a fan of compact, hard nugs... but if they're not as good in quality as normal looking buds I'll shoot for the traditional way. I might go with the paper bag method and see how well it works for me.


Well-Known Member
I dry mine in a paper bag too, and it works pretty good. I think stirring them every hour or two, is a bit excessive though, I do it once or twice a day, and it works fine. As for the stem-snapping thing,...the smallest buds are going to seem too dry, compared to the bigger buds, but once you put them all in a jar(or some sealed container), the moisture will equalize, and the smaller buds will rehydrate, slightly, drawing moisture from the big ones. After about 24 hours, they'll all be about the same, as far as moisure levels go. Then, if they are too damp, leave them out a little while longer, til you get to the level you desire. If they're too dry, it's easy to add moisture, I just spray a squirt a water in the jar, seal it up again, and the next day they're all uniform, and ready to be checked again. Then, time for curing....