will it even grow?


Active Member
right now i have straight up seedlings about a lighter in height.

i moved them inside to try and see if they would grow with a 13watt light .

will it work or am i just asking for my plants to die


Active Member
flurescants. not a desk light. plants need way more light than that. it depends if your half assing it or not.


Active Member
bump means i bump it to the first page.

and what lights should i use i have about5 plants not sure how many are male and how many are female. i have a decent size grow space..

any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
hm if you want optimum get 100 w per plant

but for seedlings i would get like 4-5 26 watt daylight cfls

put them a few inch away

they should love it

this will only work for veg


Active Member
im looking for something that will work with veg and flower and will make them grow not be top of the line 3000 dollars i only have about 250 to spend on lights


Well-Known Member
i use a 250 watt HPS light for my one plant. but i'd start off small...like a flurecent, and when it get's about 5 inches tall with a nice enough stem i'd move it to the nicer light.


Well-Known Member
If you've got 250 to spend on lights, invest in HTG Supply...they have 400w HPS that will do great! You won't be sorry you spent the money :)

dr danky doodle

Active Member
I have seen threads on the aero grow before you should look around. But from what i know, or what i think i know is.. the aero grow is just a complete system to grow stuff. It uses the aeroponics method. thats where you dont use soil and the roots are dangling and being misted with water.. almost like hydroponics. I dont think the light is very powerfull on these. If you have 250 bucks to spend on lights you could buy a whole shit load of fluorescents or the best buy in my opinion would be this High Tech Garden Supply the hps to medal halide conversion.


Well-Known Member
Hell with 250 bucks you can make things happen easily and shouldnt be using just a 13 watt light. Buy a few CFL at first to start the grow, like 4 42 watt lights or more there pretty cheap, then save some extra money up for nice light setup, 400 watt hps will grow your plants out nice for flowering, then use what left over for some nutes. With all that you can you can start doing a SOG and push out 4 plants like every month or two. right now i'm just using a 29 watt CFL on one plant and it's working just fine and dandi.


Well-Known Member
at least 30 watts per sq ft for veg, and at least 60 watts per sq ft for flowering your plants. cool white for veg and cool and warm white light for flower.