Will i hot my target weight?

You obviously haven't seen the grows @Renfro does. His are way over a # a plant. The best I've done so far is 1/2# per plant. Here's one of his threads.
Right or Heath robinsons 2x 2lb. Critical mass under vertical 600's.
Personally the most I have done is a half lb. Plushberry.
Take a look at the Subcools work on the MendoDope project 25Lb. plants
I feel like u can lose 80% in weight when its drying who knows im just a stoner. bongsmilie

Yeah..I used to move wet pounds of purple kush I was taking half pound bags and finishing the dry an selling it, and it would go from 225 to around 155 I was getting it super cheap and helping a guy move it for quick cash, but point being would be if u got a dumb ass that don’t know shit and drys it to dust he’s gonna have to add a lot of bud in the bag to take up the same space, and probly could lose upwards 7% more after its considered perfectly dry. I’ve seen it all from way to wet to a little to dry u name it I’ve seen it and there’s quite a fluctuation in actual weight u can lose if ur an idiot so that Corey guy ain’t as smart as he’s letting on he is. U are rite bout 80% .u can get a 1/5 return and be happy with it if u trim it nice n tight.. u see that all the time. Depends on strsin.. btw when I got the bags it looked like it was mainly trimmed wet then dried on racks for like 3 days ish, then I’d take that stinky azz shiit n have to dry n half ass cure it in jars fer few days wile I’m moving the driest stuff first haha
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Your tone and attitude amazes me man.

Not my fault you don't understand basic stuff.
You came on giving it "I cant believe nobody is talking about the cure" when the question was to do with weight.
Over dry is fractionally less weight than dry, once its actually dry it loses weight at such a tiny amount in comparison to the weight loss from wet to dry.

So no, curing doesn't change the end dry weight of the product, it just slows the process down and keeps it even. Once your at ideal moisture content or dryness it really doesn't change much, like a few grams on a pound over 10-14 days.

There's a million articles on curing and drying out there, find me one that mentions curing been important to dry weight.

Your a guy who thinks he's been clever and looking like a twat.
The guy probably cured his brain and was confused. That's what happens when you spend too much time at Weedcity.
I'm jealous of anyone who can yield a pound of pot indoors under artificial light. I don't think I ever got more than a few zips per plant. I'm frankly more into quality than quantity but if you can manage both than you're a better man than I.
It actually is IMO. Even my girls plants that don't even have a light of their own manage to make a pound. They just sit in the room off to the side and not under a light.
I just reread your post. And let me get this right. You have your big momma plants, and if there's a little extra space around you'll let her throw a plant or two if there's room, lol? Kidding man.

And if your girls plants are yielding a pound a piece I think it's cause you have something to do with it. I think my wife would be lucky to get a gram if she tried to grow herself. Not that girls can't grow, just that I know mine can't, lol.