Will I have any problems with this?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I didn't know that a few of my plants have been growing longer then they should. I only was able to flush them for five days because after looking into the buds I have a small case of ? maybe mould? Its not the norm color (green) its darker and almost a plumb purple, I don't see any mould spores. So I cropped them tonight trimmed and they now are handing up.

I didn't take any pics, but what does this sound like? And will five days of flushing be ok ? I guess it will have to be. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
5 days is ok some perfer a week some perfer 10 days and also it depends on the strain I've read on some sites but that could be wrong info


Well-Known Member
What do you think the darker color inter bud is? It looks like I said mushy texture, will that be ok. Almost like it started to rot from the inside.


Well-Known Member
If that is what it is, does that mean they are no good, that I should not dry and smoke? How should I deal with this?



Well-Known Member
bud rot sucks.

You really shouldn't smoke them if they have rot , the spores can cause severe illnesses.


Well-Known Member
If that is what it is, does that mean they are no good, that I should not dry and smoke? How should I deal with this?

Do not smoke it, just throw it away, the bud rot could cause problums for any one that smokes it so just throw it out


Well-Known Member
The bud is not covered and its a small amount in the inner on the bud, can I cut it out or cut it out and water cure. This is going to suck if I have to toss 4 oz.


Well-Known Member
The bud is not covered and its a small amount in the inner on the bud, can I cut it out or cut it out and water cure. This is going to suck if I have to toss 4 oz.
don't smoke it, it doesn't matter if you cut it out because the hole bud could have rot and you wouldn't even know it


Well-Known Member
I am still looking but found this from this link.
Cannabis Online Sweetleaf.co.uk - Grow Guide - Harvesting

Watch for Bud Rot
During the last week or two of flowering you should stop feeding your plants and give them just pH balanced water instead. This helps to 'flush' the plant of nutrients to improve flavour and burning. Once you start to 'flush' you should be extra vigilant for bud rot. This is grey mould that can turn plants to useless sludge very, very quickly. It usually starts inside the biggest buds where there is less air circulation. Removing any dead or dying material from the plant helps prevent bud rot so does decreasing humidity and increasing ventilation. There are also safe anti fungal sprays available from growshops that help. If you do find grey mould trim off that part of the plant well above and below the effected area and remove it from the growroom.