Will I get small pants if I put them in 1 gallon pots?


Active Member
I know the plants only grow as big as the pots will and my goal is to have short bushy plants with lots of buds... I plan on topping too would this be a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Dont get your hopes up ....
You might get 2 ounces it doesnt die before harvest.
Once it gets rootbound if you miss a day of watering it will dry out and if you dont catch it soon enough it will die.

I wouldnt use anything smaller than a 5 gallon bucket outdoors personally.
look into lst

you could get alot of bud while keeping the plant short


Well-Known Member
I use 1 gallon pots for all my outdoor plants. Makes enough for personal use and then some


Well-Known Member
your pants will be the same size no matter what container you put them in, unless it's a washer with very hot water and dried on high for 2 hours after.

but you will get small plants in 1 gallon pots and you'll have to water annoyingly often.


Well-Known Member
If you plant in small containers the plants will stay small. It is my opinion that you should bury the container to help keep the roots cool and to slow water evap. in your soil. I'd also personally stick to a 3gal. or larger. There is a rumor you get about a foot of plant per gallon of soil.


Well-Known Member
your pants will be the same size no matter what container you put them in, unless it's a washer with very hot water and dried on high for 2 hours after.

but you will get small plants in 1 gallon pots and you'll have to water annoyingly often.
Bahahahahaha! You beat me to it. Damn. :D


Active Member
I grew a clone that was planted July 1st, started flowering early August, and finished early October...

It was in a 3 gal smartpot and i got >2oz dry of my best bud this season off her...imma do the same thing x10 next season using a drip irrigation system and go for 1.5 lbs off clones that i take from a mother i will eventually flower....this will cut 3 months out of veg time for me except for the one small mother ...im trying to make life easy on myself lol

I LSTd the mother but didn't like the wild growth and popcorn buds (my dog also liked playing with branches -____-)..the clone was not trained at all and had even bud growth and was alot easier to manage/keep out of reach of my dog....i also hated tying up falling branches as the buds packed on weight...but i yielded 20 oz this season and the 2oz off my clone was far easier to grow...

so it's possible but you need to plan a short veg time (or get rootbound) and multiply your plants if you want a large yield


Well-Known Member
im still looking where op say's its for outdoors? small pot, small harvest, unless you really know what your doing...peace


Well-Known Member
If they are going to be outdoors for more than three months I wouldn't go smaller than a ten gallon pot. Just keep lst'img them if you want them short with a low profile. Not only will you have a lot more yield than using a smaller pot, you'd be rootbound in a month to two in a three gallon pot.

You are not limited by space outdoors, no sense in using a small container

edit: I just saw the date on the original post. Doh! Aso I had to laugh because I saw it was Kaendar that gave the one gallon pot advice. Hahahaha!! Another reason you don't see him around here any more


Active Member
If you want small pants, grow your weed in larger pots. You will get more bud... this will lead to more smoking... which will lead to more munchies... this will cause a larger waistline and your pants will feel smaller.


Active Member
One rule of thumb I've heard which seems about right unless you want massive plants is to have a pot that is as big as how many months you intend on keeping it in that pot (assuming your going to flower it.) So I would say a minimum 5 gallon pot for 5 months. Otherwise your plants will become rootbound and growth will be stunted along with many other negatives


Active Member
i grew in a 32oz cup and got a really small plant. Just about a foot tall. If you want a small plant take a clone let it veg for about a week and then switch it. Shell be tiny. Out doors flowering is a gradual process that takes longer to initiate rather than just flippin a switch so outdoors might not be so good in a tiny pot. Although it is possible. Ill post a pic here in little.


Active Member
If you start later in the season say end of june the plant wont get as big in veg as it would if you started inside in march.