Will I get busted posting on here?


Well-Known Member
I don't care what type of "scrubbing" software, tracking eraser, IP address eraser or whatever you want to call it you have....if the government wants to track you, they will. Think about this.....if there are programs out there designed to try and "hide" your activites, those same type of people are working for the government and can find you just the same. In fact, I would bet money there are people that work for the goverment in the internet division that surf and read these types of websites. EVEN if you are LEGAL, which I am, along with other states and everyone in them....the DEA DOES NOT RECOGNIZE LOCAL/STATE LAW. To the federal government, marijuana is still ILLEGAL, depsite state laws.

It sucks and goes against the very constitution this country was founded on (the people vote for what they want) but its the truth. Its more or less and power struggle and what the DEA will allow to a certain degree without harassing you. Also, the fact that people who have a "caregiver" license and the government is not supposed to have access to those regcords to "make a bust" that is conveniently aimed at growers is BULLSHIT. I have had 3 friends busted and they are strictly caregivers and have never used drugs, smoked or used alcohol. The DEA busts in damages equipment and doesnt care nor reimburses.

Its basically the wildwest when it comes to growing, even in califironia which is the precedent. I am not trying to fill you with more paranoia but more or less trying to make you aware of the situaition. Just don't be stupid, arrogant or flagrant....
If you are in Oklahoma or Texas I would just move. 2 years to life for hash. My buddy did 90 days for a roach in the bed of his pickup. Wasn't even his. Just some asshole throwing his roach away. The forums can be scarey. I just don't tell anyone I know in real life. Then they can't direct LEO's to your house. The forums seem pretty safe compared to nosey neighbers and stinky crops.


Well-Known Member
If scared to get caught don't use the same handle(username) as other sites,And ip changers work to an extent but law enforcement would have to illegally hack your network to unmask the real one.Or get a warrant for a list of RIU members and I.P addresses which probably wont happen.Either way this site could be accessed from any public/private network so any info got from here wouldn't be usable in a court of law.
In the last week or so the Choppers were flying grid formations . They werent looking for Waldo! They have nothing better to do besides waste taxpayers dollars and keep thier sorry asses employed. Big brother IS everywhere over in this neck of the woods.


Active Member
As long as your legally authorized to cultivate, No problem... RIGHT.. I love this state.

The "State" is what is wrong with everything... how can you "love a state"? That's disgusting. They are the ones extorting from everyone at the point of a gun. Time to awaken friend.


Active Member
I love california , just hate the police .. they all got nothing better to do cept bust people with little buds.. I got my medical referer paper with the seal on it , PLUS MY MARIJUANA ID . SUck it bitches, im going with the law, won't have any reason to bust me unless im ' donating ' to people with out cards. which i won't cause my meds are for me n me only


bud bootlegger
I love california , just hate the police .. they all got nothing better to do cept bust people with little buds.. I got my medical referer paper with the seal on it , PLUS MY MARIJUANA ID . SUck it bitches, im going with the law, won't have any reason to bust me unless im ' donating ' to people with out cards. which i won't cause my meds are for me n me only
yah, but like has been said already, that card is only good for the state boys, let a fed knock on your door and they will simply wipe their ass with that card as they haul you off to jail... just saying... :D


Active Member
I would be more concerned that this site has been infiltrated by hackers several times recently.I don't know what they would do with the info they could gain by hacking this site, but i don't like the possibilities.


Active Member
If I end up going to go to jail for doing something that gives me great joy and isn't hurting anyone then I will lose all faith in the judicial system. If you're just growing for personal and ya keep your mouth shut the odds are slim to none that you're going to have your door kicked in. I live in Canada where we can get away with a bit more then you southern folk but I would grow again as soon as I got out if I were to get busted. The tyranny and bullshit has gone on to long!! Freedom to toke for everyone!!!


Active Member
Will a IP address hider or changer help me out?

Too paranoid to post new bud porn
If you are wanting to be as safe as possible, use a proxy server to access and post to this site. there are free ones you can use, but there is better speed and such if you buy a monthly subscription to one, preferably one not located in the USA. Check out Cryptocloud and privacy.io and others.


Active Member
If I end up going to go to jail for doing something that gives me great joy and isn't hurting anyone then I will lose all faith in the judicial system. If you're just growing for personal and ya keep your mouth shut the odds are slim to none that you're going to have your door kicked in. I live in Canada where we can get away with a bit more then you southern folk but I would grow again as soon as I got out if I were to get busted. The tyranny and bullshit has gone on to long!! Freedom to toke for everyone!!!

The biggest reason that small time personal growers get caught is that they just have to tell their friends.Friends tell other freinds ,other friends tell scumbags ,scumbags grass you up to save their own neck ,either that or plan to rip you off personally.Tell noone, you can't trust anyone... just look at it this way...you can barely trust yourself ,because your dying to tell people about it,so dont think "your bro " who you've known your whole life can be trusted either.

Use common sence aswell , don't grow chem4 when you have neighbours 10 feet away.. don't be greedy either ,big difference between a personal grow bust and 1 that could be intent to supply.