Will i ever get high again or am i broken


Well-Known Member
I been diagnosed with PTSD, Agoraphobia or some shit. Scared of open spaces. Only time i go outside is for a bush walk away from society or to get food


Well-Known Member
Got robbed when i was younger at gunpoint in my own house. Woke up to blanket being pulled of me and a gun in my face. Ziptied up. Now im fucked for life


Well-Known Member
Got robbed when i was younger at gunpoint in my own house. Woke up to blanket being pulled of me and a gun in my face. Ziptied up. Now im fucked for life
Lived with a bloke in the same boat..bunch of blokes ran through his house. Woke up to a baseball bat to the face and a shottie pointed at him..he freaked, fought his way out and got out the house, as they didn't expect him to fight back and kinda froze up, and he has never been the same since. On edge 24/7. He was only 16 when it happened so it's stuck with him.

Hope you get some peace sooner or later.


Well-Known Member
Lived with a bloke in the same boat..bunch of blokes ran through his house. Woke up to a baseball bat to the face and a shottie pointed at him..he freaked, fought his way out and got out the house, as they didn't expect him to fight back and kinda froze up, and he has never been the same since. On edge 24/7. He was only 16 when it happened so it's stuck with him.

Hope you get some peace sooner or later.
Yeap it stays with most people. I was only 18 when it happened. I been baseball batted aswell. Had another guy come at me with a hatchet. I dont miss those days. Cant even go outside without worrying. Panics attack and i pass out. Ptsd is the worse shit.


Well-Known Member
I have been on antypsichotics for some time now 3 years and cant get high on nothing.

Can't get high on weed or high grade hash , nothing hits me , its like im smoking air no matter how potent the product i am smoking . I discovered other people
have the same problem while on antypsichotics .

Its been now 1 week since i left the pills , but i still cant get high .

Searched the web and finnaly found some cases on cora , and there are reports there that in some cases even after several months/1 year 1 guy couldnt get high .

Couldnt find any case report that shows people recovering and now im afraid damage can be permanent .

Anyone here was in this position ? Did u recover ?
I believe that those drugs you were on also block cannibioid receptors in your brain. You need to give them time to recover imo


Well-Known Member

Much better asking complete strangers why your phsycosis drugs stopped working and u can't get stoned
Of you think Dr's give good advice you either have a great one you go to or don't ever go to one. Tbh they don't have many answers unless it's some obvious shit like oh look my arm is broken. Then they are super useful. But they suck at anything that is not directly in their "handbook". My wife has at least 3 auto immune diseases and we just stopped going because they would say well what do you think we should do!? And then charge us a fuck ton of money. Oh and just tell her to go on immune suppressants.


Well-Known Member
Of you think Dr's give good advice you either have a great one you go to or don't ever go to one. Tbh they don't have many answers unless it's some obvious shit like oh look my arm is broken. Then they are super useful. But they suck at anything that is not directly in their "handbook". My wife has at least 3 auto immune diseases and we just stopped going because they would say well what do you think we should do!? And then charge us a fuck ton of money. Oh and just tell her to go on immune suppressants.
The damn Doctors told my father he only had a few years to live and that Chemo would be the best course of action. He was 83 years old when he started the Chemo. He was dead 6 months later. The Chemo is what killed him. Not the cancer. Screw the damn for profit medical system in America. They made more money putting him on Chemo and profit was all they cared about. I have a very hard time just thinking about how they ended my Father's life early. They can all go to hell. I hope they enjoy their luxury vehicles and vacations in Tuscany. Assholes.


Well-Known Member
Of you think Dr's give good advice you either have a great one you go to or don't ever go to one. Tbh they don't have many answers unless it's some obvious shit like oh look my arm is broken. Then they are super useful. But they suck at anything that is not directly in their "handbook". My wife has at least 3 auto immune diseases and we just stopped going because they would say well what do you think we should do!? And then charge us a fuck ton of money. Oh and just tell her to go on immune suppressants.
I have lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and sjogrens syndrome, all autoimmune diseases. It's not that doctors don't know or don't care, there currently isn't a fix for autoimmune conditions...every time I go into organ failure, it's immunosuppressive meds (hydroxychloroqine and prednisone), methotrexate, colchicine and anti inflammatory meds. It's not the doctors fault that autoimmune diseases haven't been figured out. They are a complete ass to deal with.


Well-Known Member
The damn Doctors told my father he only had a few years to live and that Chemo would be the best course of action. He was 83 years old when he started the Chemo. He was dead 6 months later. The Chemo is what killed him. Not the cancer. Screw the damn for profit medical system in America. They made more money putting him on Chemo and profit was all they cared about. I have a very hard time just thinking about how they ended my Father's life early. They can all go to hell. I hope they enjoy their luxury vehicles and vacations in Tuscany. Assholes.
Very immature mindset. The hospital system and doctors have saved my life multiple times, along with most of my family.