Will girls ruin the boy scouts?

If the pedos could please refrain from posting on this thread, this is a serious discussion about the future of the boy scouts organization, thanks.

Pretty sure the rampant Pedophiles within the boy scout organization already did ruin it. At least the little girls in scouts will be safe.....
Cheers :)
No. You are annoying and incorrect. No one anyone respects here thinks I am a meth user like you say. You and your 3 cronies don’t count.

And you act more right wing than almost anyone here.

You are only going to see arguments from most members here for the rest of your stay.

Shame no other site will have you. Why are you here anyway if there are so many people you hate?

i even made a list of those 30 people and no one objected. some people wanted to be added to the list because i forgot them.

it's probably more like 60 people who hate you
That’s what buck wants now. You must be for it.
I don't see that. In fact he highlights the stupid ass comments people make and reminds us while ridiculing them. You on the other hand are trying to shame me out of using a word you dislike. Besides that, it's true, you're up into the wee hours (in your stated timezone) almost every night here methposting about @UncleBuck and almost nothing else. Get a job, gringo.
I don't see that. In fact he highlights the stupid ass comments people make and reminds us while ridiculing them. You on the other hand are trying to shame me out of using a word you dislike. Besides that, it's true, you're up into the wee hours (in your stated timezone) almost every night here methposting about @UncleBuck and almost nothing else. Get a job, gringo.

I post more elsewhere. I am very bored and can’t sleep well at this time.

You are only to be found following buck.

He isn’t reminding anyone of anything. Except how to be an immature child.

His last thread was meant to censor rap music. Even if he thinks it is a joke. He hurts his own cause and you applaud it.