Will girls ruin the boy scouts?

If the pedos could please refrain from posting on this thread, this is a serious discussion about the future of the boy scouts organization, thanks.
How can that happen?
You started the thread and so it was pedo-tainted from inception. ;)
Just a reminder, please don’t post in this thread, pedophile
We've already established it was started by a pedo and then you come and defend it?
The defense of another pedo like you doesn't really help his case.

Keep denying who you are, it's the only thing that keeps you from doing to yourself what you project onto nazis. ;)
This is the most brilliant pedo bait thread, thanks for the fess in your first response
Are you just another of the Buckolds pedo friends?
That would explain your confusion and transference when talking about yourself. ;)
About 30 people here are all sick of your constant lying

Your only allies are right wing racists and nazis

No. You are annoying and incorrect. No one anyone respects here thinks I am a meth user like you say. You and your 3 cronies don’t count.

And you act more right wing than almost anyone here.

You are only going to see arguments from most members here for the rest of your stay.

Shame no other site will have you. Why are you here anyway if there are so many people you hate?