will door crack light affect flowering?


Well-Known Member
this is my first grow and am wondering if the light that may seep in through cracks in the door can affect the flowering process at all. thanks for the helpbongsmilie


this is my first grow and am wondering if the light that may seep in through cracks in the door can affect the flowering process at all. thanks for the helpbongsmilie
As long as the door is closed all the way you'll be fine. I do the same thing and just cut my girls down yesterday, another week and a half they should be ready.:joint:
I kinda kept the plants away from the crack. Hope this helps, good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
As long as the door is closed all the way you'll be fine. I do the same thing and just cut my girls down yesterday, another week and a half they should be ready.:joint:
I kinda kept the plants away from the crack. Hope this helps, good luck with your grow!
right on thanks. and yeah theyre lookin good so far. about 3 wks into veg waitin to see the sex!!! thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
u should try putting a sheet of panda film where the crack is and close the door to see if ur still gettting leaks


Well-Known Member
light leaks causing hermie traits says one thing-

bad genetics.

repeatedly interrupting the dark cycle with prolonged intense light exposure is another thing altogether.
its an easy mistake for a new grower to slip into the room and turn the lights on to admire his work... and thats what does it... not the weak light from a door gap.

its not pitch dark in nature folks. in fact its quite bright even on a dark night compared to a grow room....
as long as your not shining an hid lamp** through the crack you should be fine.

** edit- or direct sunlight.


Well-Known Member
light leaks causing hermie traits says one thing-

bad genetics.

repeatedly interrupting the dark cycle with prolonged intense light exposure is another thing altogether.
its an easy mistake for a new grower to slip into the room and turn the lights on to admire his work... and thats what does it... not the weak light from a door gap.

its not pitch dark in nature folks. in fact its quite bright even on a dark night compared to a grow room....
as long as your not shining an hid lamp through the crack you should be fine.
thats kinda what i figured thanks though


Well-Known Member
your plants start to build up a chemical when they start to change to flower ...if light gets to your plants for more then a matter of seconds u kill that chemical build up and your delaying flowering .. i learnt the hard way and it had taken me 2 months just to see my females grow some hairs ..


I hung a blanket at the begining and then it got to the point where I was tired of having a blanket hang infront of my mirror, kinda ghetto. With only a crack in the door, like i said earlier will NOT effect the plants unless its more than a crack. I am harvesting next saturday, they are looking and smelling great, even with the crack through out the entire grow. If you see hermies its due to something more than a crack in the closet. Hope this helps..

Total Head

Well-Known Member
my last grow i had the door open about 4 inches almost the whole time including flower for heat reasons. granted my closet is in a spare room that i can leave dark. still, if you are in a position not to turn the light on in the room, then don't, and having "light leaks" wont be such an issue.