Will Congress act now?

Will the Congress enact more gun control?

  • Oh, yea, absolutely!

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Never fucking happen

    Votes: 35 94.6%

  • Total voters
LEO is less than 1% of concealed carry licence holders.
no, i meant that when you apply for a conceal permit, LEO has all of your personal info.

do they also record what weapons you have when you apply for a permit? would be much easier to match ballistics from crime scenes too.
Then I'm not sure I understand the benefit of everyone carrying a gun. It is unlikely to prevent the crime from being committed, and also heightens the risk of fatality.

The solution is 'less guns', surely.

If you were a person intent on robbing or harming somebody, would you rather try to rob or assault an armed person or an unarmed person ?
Actually I think he is here to call you out for some of your self-expressed repugnant views. Why do you hate the 1st Amendment?

I don't quite the opposite. That's why I'm not going to allow him to try and use slurs and other tactics to subvert my first amendment right.
no, i meant that when you apply for a conceal permit, LEO has all of your personal info.

do they also record what weapons you have when you apply for a permit? would be much easier to match ballistics from crime scenes too.

The FBI gets your fingerprints and you go into a database. The background check process usually takes 3-6 months. This is part of the reason more than likely that CCW holders commit less crime. As they tend to be the ones that follow the rules more closely.
The knife cuts both ways. He isn't silencing you, just drawing attention to your racist views.

Opposition to racism is no vice.

Likening my dislike of government being involved in business to racism is the same as supporting planned Parenthood being likened to forced sterilization of minorities. It's a far stretch in both cases. And honestly it is telling of the stance a few have here in this section.
Likening my dislike of government being involved in business to racism is the same as supporting planned Parenthood being likened to forced sterilization of minorities. It's a far stretch in both cases. And honestly it is telling of the stance a few have here in this section.
I'll say it is. I have a business too, Nancy. You gonna sue me?
It's been going on for 40 years that I can remember. They haven't done anything before so why would they now? The one constant in many of these issues is money in politics. NRA donations buys them their wish. Just an observation but what if the gun control side collected donations for Trump in return for sensible legislation that the majority are happy with? Out-bid the NRA. Play them at their own game. We all know that isn't how it should be but offer cash instead of votes. You will see Trump and the White House go into meltdown if it were put to him seriously. They wouldn't know wtf to do......

Oh yeah, this is what happened 40 years ago for those unaware.....

To all those that suffered in or due to the LV attrocity I wish a speedy recovery and inner peace when you are able.......
Go back to your safe space snowflake. We will expand your free speech zone when we need you. Until then bye Felicia.

P.S. I know you have a lot of built up anger and frustration. I won't judge You I promise...... If you come to my bakery I'll bake you a beautiful wedding cake.

You are a racial segregation it selling cheap Chinese shit while complaining about the trade deficit and blaming Mexicans for your lack of skills and quality.