Will America fall eventually?


Well-Known Member
Must be you haven't seen the record stock indexes or seen the jobs being added. Lemme guess, that bad black man in the white house is ruining everything?
Shit! Commodities must be down then!! Job data could be inflated for window dressing ! What Q are we in? Hhhhmmmm :)


Well-Known Member
Are jobs keeping up with those entering the market? I believe every month, over 100k people enter the job market. They say unemployment has dropped a little and hovering around 8%. Thats is still high and does not reflect all of those who lost their jobs and have exhausted their benefits; making them no longer counted. Our budget deficit cannot be sustained, and even worse, cannot be balanced. I figure we have about 2 yrs left, before the wheels fall of the wagon on a global scale. The real question is not "will America fall", but what will happen when it does.


Active Member
I suddenly feel very ignorant. I know pretty much nothing about guns, I won't let myself have one because I'm a nutjob and it's just not safe IMHO.

I fired a .22 rifle in ROTC class in high school. Yeah, it was kinda fun. But after high school, I never had any desire to fire a gun again. I don't know what the big draw of guns are. I think the excuse of protection against the government is just paranoia. That's just my opinion.....
Japan, South Korea and the U.K. have done just fine without their citizens owning guns. I don't see those governments trying to suppress their people anytime soon....


Well-Known Member
Are jobs keeping up with those entering the market? I believe every month, over 100k people enter the job market. They say unemployment has dropped a little and hovering around 8%. Thats is still high and does not reflect all of those who lost their jobs and have exhausted their benefits; making them no longer counted. Our budget deficit cannot be sustained, and even worse, cannot be balanced. I figure we have about 2 yrs left, before the wheels fall of the wagon on a global scale. The real question is not "will America fall", but what will happen when it does.
By that then we should also be looking at how many are also leaving the work place every year via retirement. I think it's further out than two years. Look up how much frivolous industries like the movie industry makes every year or go to target on a Saturday. The ammo and gun industry is booming right now. Feinstein is the best thing to happen to the industry. My local ammo shop admited to inflating prices and piece mealing supplies.


Ursus marijanus
I fired a .22 rifle in ROTC class in high school. Yeah, it was kinda fun. But after high school, I never had any desire to fire a gun again. I don't know what the big draw of guns are. I think the excuse of protection against the government is just paranoia. That's just my opinion.....
Japan, South Korea and the U.K. have done just fine without their citizens owning guns. I don't see those governments trying to suppress their people anytime soon....
Japan and South Korea have cultures quite different from the European/Western ones. Great Britain at least put their money where their mouths are and don't arm the cops. Never forget: police are civilian. cn


King Tut
definitely a safe position. My fear is that if it comes down to needing gold for anything, lead will be more valuable
Agreed whole-heartedly. Gold and silver have their places in today's market (think non-traceable transactions as well as the "glimmer" effect) but when they become necessities, lead will be worth considerably more than it is today. Anyone scavenge lead?


Ursus marijanus
Agreed whole-heartedly. Gold and silver have their places in today's market (think non-traceable transactions as well as the "glimmer" effect) but when they become necessities, lead will be worth considerably more than it is today. Anyone scavenge lead?
My local tire shops won't provide anymore. :( cn


Well-Known Member
definitely a safe position. My fear is that if it comes down to needing gold for anything, lead will be more valuable
Well lead is an industrial metal and moves by supply and demand. Only one lead mine has opened in 25 years and it takes 8 years to bring a mine to production. Precious metals are for diversity (hedging) except for silver which swings on both sides as it is used in industrial as well. Industrials that BRICS use the most wil have price hikes due to supply and demand, copper for eg.
shop for the weights that divers use.
I only dive with a KG but nonetheless I would leverage and trade between the ranges of support and resistance levels and take profit quickly. Helps if you can read charts but then again I am an ex CFD commodity broker. Many have profited off the back of my advice. I don't watch CNBC daily anymore though. Gold was $550 when I started.


Well-Known Member
Well Wheels got what Clayton was saying atleast.
Wheels, just keep stockpiling. I've said it before on here, the shops are piecemealing out their supply and upping the prices due to demand. My local ammo supplier told this to my father and I.


Well-Known Member
Well Wheels got what Clayton was saying atleast.
Wheels, just keep stockpiling. I've said it before on here, the shops are piecemealing out their supply and upping the prices due to demand. My local ammo supplier told this to my father and I.
Can you see that if only one lead mine has opened in over 25 years you have the perfect situation for demand outstripping supply. This is the exact reason why.


Well-Known Member
Well Wheels got what Clayton was saying atleast.
Wheels, just keep stockpiling. I've said it before on here, the shops are piecemealing out their supply and upping the prices due to demand. My local ammo supplier told this to my father and I.
oh yeah dude. a box of 100 9mm fmj cost me almost 40 bucks the other day. it was 12 bucks for 50 rounds just before obama took office. now its 20 and thats when u can find it in stock. and the ammo manufacturers started producing the billions of rounds the government ordered on top of the already increasing demand. they just couldnt keep up. now ammo supplies are low and costing us a fortune. manufacturers could care less due to them still making money with the 4 government contracts they now have for ammo with 4 of the top manufacturers all in on them. what people dont get is a lot of companies dont actually make the ammo in the box. very few companies actually put the ingredients together. a lot of companies outsource the putting it together part. they do still however make the components such as bullets, casings and primers. many companies rarely make their own powder unless they are larger in scale.

boom high as fuck and dropping some knowledge. lmao.


Active Member
Are jobs keeping up with those entering the market? I believe every month, over 100k people enter the job market. They say unemployment has dropped a little and hovering around 8%. Thats is still high and does not reflect all of those who lost their jobs and have exhausted their benefits; making them no longer counted. Our budget deficit cannot be sustained, and even worse, cannot be balanced. I figure we have about 2 yrs left, before the wheels fall of the wagon on a global scale. The real question is not "will America fall", but what will happen when it does.

Well according to Marketplace on NPR, large cooporations still aren't hiring, it's the small companies that are hiring, so that's a problem....


Well-Known Member
Japan and South Korea have cultures quite different from the European/Western ones. Great Britain at least put their money where their mouths are and don't arm the cops. Never forget: police are civilian. cn
This is not strictly true in the UK anyway
while many of the random patrolling police do not carry hand guns, in more sensitive areas the police walk around with machine guns
any reported crime involving firearms would be dealt with by S019/C019 these guys have machine guns too and love shooting people
in fact that is all they do, they do not do the other day to day tasks regular cops do like giving out tickets, they just shoot people when the need arises

Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun

peace :)