• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Will America fall eventually?


Well-Known Member
obamas gun policies and what he is trying to do has people afraid and buying up anything on the shelves. the ammo manufacturers cant keep up with the demand. therefor their is no ammo in stock to actually buy in my area or anything near me for that matter.
Thats the truth, I had to wait 2 weeks to get a very common round. Ordering online would have been more than a month. Very odd indeed.

meechz 024

Active Member
The attacks on the WTC in New York and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. on September 11, 2001, are known worldwide. Three commercial airliners were directed against these icons of American power making it one of the most egregious assaults on “our way of life”, according to proponents and apologists of American exceptionalism. 2963 people died and to date there are 24 missing persons.

In “Latin America” we also remember a terrorist attack on 9/11; a longer and bloodier 9/11.

Chile, September 11, 1973. General Augusto Pinochet heads a coup d’état planned and financed by the United States. President Salvador Allende is violently overthrown from power. The repression against the civilian population is equally brutal. According to a report in Santiago by the French magazine Politis, it is estimated that more than 10, 000 people were killed during the coup and in the following months. A selective system of suppression against suspected communists and people suspected of belonging to leftist parties, developed in the coming years. Today the Comité de Ética Contra la Tortura, ( ethics committee against torture) reports of hundreds of thousands tortured, perhaps up to half a million. Without the help of intelligence agencies like the CIA, this operation would have never been possible. The Chilean artist and researcher Anibal Ortiz Pozo, recounts: "The role of the torturers and U.S. advisors was to produce fear. They wouldn’t hide the dead bodies; they’d beat up people in public and display the naked bodies in public. They would throw the corpses into the Mapocho River in Santiago de Chile for people to see what was going to happen to them.”

The motivation behind the U.S. sponsored coup, was the threat Allende’s popular government and its socialist methods being implemented in the country represented; especially the nationalization of companies and natural resource industries such as copper mining, then in the hands of U.S. companies Anaconda and Kennecott.

The military dictatorship of Pinochet (Within the US interests) took several measures to strengthen the power and make changes in the country; among the most important:

  • Annihilation of popular resistance in towns, camps, universities and rural sectors
  • Closure of media opposition
  • Military control of universities and other educational establishments
  • State of siege and permanent night curfew
  • Concentration camps of political prisoners in various parts of the country
  • Coordination of the intelligence services of the armed forces and police
  • Dissolution of Parliament
  • Dissolution of leftist political parties and suspension of all others
  • Promulgation of laws against the constitutional and legal system of the country
  • Cancellation of the right to strike
  • Collective layoffs
  • Decreased and freezing of workers’ wages
  • Imposition of military discipline at work
  • Agreement with the United States to finance Chile’s external debt
The U.S. rewarded Pinochet and his junta with generous economic aid during 17 years of ongoing state terrorism. It is reported that then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once told Pinochet, "In the United States, as you know, we are sympathetic with what you are trying to do here."

"How could this be, the land of the free, home of the brave?
Indigenous holocaust, and the home of the slaves?
Corporate America, dancin' offbeat to the rhythm
You really think this country, never sponsored terrorism"

-Immortal Technique


Well-Known Member

Actually, I have heard of that problem, especially down South. They are laser inscripting the caseings now and it`s gonna be real easy to know what goes where. Getting the "old" rounds is key to keeping your privacy.

You can thank all those that take advantage of Government handout programs for Romney`s defeat and Obama`s second term. In the North-East it`s the Asians, in the South it`s the Hispanics, and the Mid-West/Central it`s the Muzzies !!


Well-Known Member
Just for the Record Fuck Romney. He wanted to cut federal funding for colleges. That would have been fair to someone like myself that got laid off after 13 years of work and is getting an opportunity at an education later in life, (note the sarcasm). The ammo suppliers love this shit, don't think for a minute they don't. You may think organization like the NRA represent the people but they also represent gun and ammo manufacturers a fact most fail to realize.


Well-Known Member
Just for the Record Fuck Romney. He wanted to cut federal funding for colleges. That would have been fair to someone like myself that got laid off after 13 years of work and is getting an opportunity at an education later in life, (note the sarcasm). The ammo suppliers love this shit, don't think for a minute they don't. You may think organization like the NRA represent the people but they also represent gun and ammo manufacturers a fact most fail to realize.

Yes, and make it a State thing instead of a Fed. thing. You do know that Obamacare (Afordable Health Care Act) was stolen from Massachusettes health care program, which was signed in and partially drafted by Mitt Romney ? Obama and his Dumocrats take credit for it !i Romney in MA had it as a good deal, but Obama added to it, cut it to sherds and it`s a raw deal now !i Compare Boston and Chicago and tell me who`s a ..."community organizer" !!

NRA is all about MONEY, nothing more !i


Well-Known Member
I'm very aware that Romney flip flopped on his health care program, it's one of the reasons I couldn't vote for him. Did you see where his son said he never saw anyone who wanted to be president less than his father? That's pretty damning. The fact is people can still get ammo, where we buy ours the owner himself said he's piecemealing it onto the shelves just to make more money. He's not alone in this practice, it's happening all over the country deliberately. I always recommend to people to get an antique dealers license and take a machining class if they are that worried about 'revolution' and trying to overthrow a government backed by a military that has far outpaced any possible civilian 'militia'.


Well-Known Member
And Obama was gonna close Gitmo and pull us out of the ME in his very first year first thing, How`s that working out ? He did a front flip, back flip, and belly flop all in one, so yes he has more talent...No ?

Romney did not want to be president,..There`s a hell of an after Presidency life, just like Ventura said. But the Republicans couln`t find anyone else with without a criminal record or better cridentials. Watch out for Duval Patrick (Gov. MA) next election,...not the Hillary ploy !i


Well-Known Member
A civillian millitia can only be led and conducted by THE STATES GOVERNOR. Understand the 2nd better !i
You may want to look up how many militia groups there are in the U.S. operating today. I'm pretty sure they are not under Governor control.

Oh and don't mistake me for a ra ra Obama guy. I'm not blind, and I don't always agree. I just have to make sure I can be put into a position to help my family. Without federal funding for a displaced workers for college I would have to leave my family to find work in my field and mail money back home. That's not providing a quality life in my opinion, nothing can replace time spent.


Well-Known Member
And they are illegal !i

You have the Right to keep and bear arms so when called apon by the State, you are,...Able, Ready, Armed, Spread out across the State in position on station. Mayors and the Governor will select Ranks,..not you !i This is the term,...Minuteman !i


Well-Known Member
Roadblocks are illegal too but they happen. The NSA cross cutting fiber optic rooms and building their own in Telecom central offices is also illegal but they did that a decade ago.


Well-Known Member
Understand that when the Feds. are in charge of tuition, colleges can and will rise the cost at will. In the hands of the State, they will have to do it accordingly to the economy if they want business. Colleges will have no part of that if they want free moneies !i


Well-Known Member
Roadblocks, search and seizure are illegal,..acting in the communities best interest is not !i There is a difference and not a roadblock everywhere and anytime !i


Well-Known Member
If a terrorist is building a suitcase Nuke in your city, and is discoverd but not found, you better hope there are roadblock search and seizure !i


Well-Known Member
Forgive me,...What is a fibre optic room ?
Every city has a central office, a place where communications come into from the outside world and is processed and redirected. In larger citys like San Fransico they are main hubs. Fiber Optics provide the backbone for transportation of info and cannot be tapped like copper can. There has to be a physical splice in order to retrieve this info. The feds did this running blackop programs that cross cut these fibers and built rooms within telco buildings and locked the door. If you google Mark Klein you will learn more. There's also been statements from NSA employees stating that their orders changed after 9-11 and that they were actively listening and monitoring u.s. citizens communications. That breaks the 1st amendment. Alot of the laws being written now and as of late are just covering what has been going on for a decade now.


Well-Known Member
That spying would definately break the first. How do you put the FBI in trouble ?

Don`t wireless cell phones and tablets/laptops make that point moot ? How do they tap wireless ? I`m very computer illiterate, too old, and saw this sh* invented and had little interest !i


Well-Known Member
That spying would definately break the first. How do you put the FBI in trouble ?

Don`t wireless cell phones and tablets/laptops make that point moot ? How do they tap wireless ? I`m very computer illiterate, too old, and saw this sh* invented and had little interest !i
No worries, I try to convey what I say respectfully around here when it's called for.
Even wireless has wires. There is a backbone to everything, even at the wireless cell sites there are rooms that have equipment in them. Some of the equipment that I have installed acts like a bus, it doesn't care who gets on it will carry whoeever wherever they need to go regardless of their name. Even if that name is att or timewarner, or viacom and it's moving through a verizon central office. The base of those cell sites are connected to central offices. Now the C.O.'s are not what they used to be like back in the Ma bell days. The people are gone and the racks and racks of equipment are being replaced by smaller faster equipment. So there's these big buildings that have a fraction of what they used to have and alot of empty spaces.


Well-Known Member
Yes, and make it a State thing instead of a Fed. thing. You do know that Obamacare (Afordable Health Care Act) was stolen from Massachusettes health care program, which was signed in and partially drafted by Mitt Romney ? Obama and his Dumocrats take credit for it !i Romney in MA had it as a good deal, but Obama added to it, cut it to sherds and it`s a raw deal now !i Compare Boston and Chicago and tell me who`s a ..."community organizer" !!

NRA is all about MONEY, nothing more !i
true but they are still about keeping as many guns and as much ammo open to the public as possible. the only plus they fight pro gun and they hve the money to back it.