• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Will Al Gore Melt?


Well-Known Member
Wow, it sure is fun to pile on the hapless buffoon Algore.......hahah

Here is more....heheh

THE MOVIE "An Inconvenient Truth," with which the indoctrinating centers in the Tri-Valley are propagandizing our children, comes across like this: We only have 10 years to return to a medieval lifestyle, to figure out how to get the sun to radiate more than 1.4 kW per square meter without melting the icecaps or to invent other "alternative" (what a ridiculous name) non-nuclear energy sources.
The Al Gore (or should I say Goebbels?) propaganda machine seeks to limit each person to 1 ton of carbon per year. The proposal is to create a system of carbon allowances that will be the rationing cards of the future.
The government would dole out what bureaucrats think we should have.
Kyoto targets, however, will not be met. Two facts about the futility of controlling emissions:
1) Uncontrolled fires in China's abandoned coal mines release as much carbon dioxide as the entire nation of Japan does from useful fuel consumption.
2) The oceans and land outgas 210 billion tons per year compared to 3 billion tons per year from human activity.
Ian Murray, a critic of Gore's "work," recently detailed 25 truths that Gore conveniently leaves out of the companion book to his video because they are inconvenient to his argument.
A few examples: The relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide is not linear; therefore the graph on pages 66-67 is seriously misleading.
The Peruvian glacier pictured on Page 53 probably disappeared during a climate change a few thousand years ago.
The only way to turn off the Gulf Stream is to turn off the wind system, stop the rotation of the Earth, or both.
Gore fails to mention that introducing coal-fired electrical power generation in Africa and South America would reduce the 30 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions from burning wood to cook substantially and save more than 1.6 million lives per year.
Perhaps the biggest lie of all is the assertion that a consensus exists on human-attributed catastrophic global warming when scientific agreement only exists on a narrower range of issues such as the increase in temperature between 1919 and 1940.
From irregular sequences such as climate observations almost any trend one desires can be obtained purely by choosing the starting point and the right ending point and turning the extrapolation crank.
The climate charlatans play up this process to the hilt. Global warmers select whichever data tend to support their preconceived notions. They never go back to 1855 or try to explain decreases instead of increases in temperature. And they keep their data and algorithms close to their chest lest someone check them and expose the fallacy of their arguments.
Stephen McIntyre, a minerals consultant, recently demonstrated that the global warmers' favorite graph is wrong. Their reconstruction of global temperatures over the past 1,000 years shows slight oscillations until a sharp upward swing (the "blade" of the hockey stick) in recent years. McIntyre showed that the method used by climatologist Michael Mann and colleagues generates hockey sticks even from random data. Global warming guru Mann then published a partial correction but he refuses to release his computer algorithm for further checking. Diehards such as Mann et al. continue to defend the climate icon. Others, however, are beginning to downplay the hockey stick graph.
Consider what you get from 1 ton of carbon: You could heat your house with a small electric stove (1 kilowatt) for six hours a day for 10 months of a year. Nothing would be left for cooking, lighting, hot water, refrigeration, vacuuming or washing. No travel would be possible except on foot or on bicycle. A 1-ton footprint would actually return you to a lifestyle that existed before our lifetime.
Answering your propagandized children (for the time being they are not yet recruited to report you to the thought police, but watch out anyway): Giving in to the global warming lobby when so much evidence indicates that it is a gigantic paper tiger is irresponsible, unscientific, immature and selfish.
Our children and grandchildren will ask us whether we believed the great hoax of global warming and I, for one, don't want to be telling them that I kept a chart of my carbon footprint. I love to take my SUV to Tahoe, ski at night on well-lit slopes, fly airplanes and do all the power-intensive activities within my reach.
I recommend you keep doing the same or whatever else you enjoy. Have no fear. The Earth is a big place and your enjoyment of life will not hurt it in the least.
ContraCostaTimes.com | 01/27/2007 | VLADO BEVC From the community: Global warming nothing but a paper tiger


New Member
Our children and grandchildren will ask us whether we believed the great hoax of global warming and I, for one, don't want to be telling them that I kept a chart of my carbon footprint. I love to take my SUV to Tahoe, ski at night on well-lit slopes, fly airplanes and do all the power-intensive activities within my reach.
You're just lying to yourself. The human footprint on the earth is huge. People that can't see this are in strict denial. Your grand kids will curse the day we were born,(this generation) as the darkest most selfish generation ever. As we go about our self centered overconsuming wasteful little lives, I wonder what we would think if we could come back 100 or more years from now. If we dont get a grip on consumptive behavior, out grand kids will be living in Domed citys with giant air purifiers, that is if we dont blow the damn place up first. Don't ask for proof as this is conjecture and Poetic liscence, but if you want to bet, I'll see you in the next life to collect!


Well-Known Member
2) The oceans and land outgas 210 billion tons per year compared to 3 billion tons per year from human activity.
Med if this is a true "fact".....it seems logical to conclude that Man's activity is probably not as influential as Gore pretends.

I'll admit that I can't vouch for, or authenticate the above purported fact....
But ...hmmmmm

looks like we should have a national debate on this issue, which for the most part, the Goreites seem to want to avoid....


New Member
Med if this is a true "fact".....it seems logical to conclude that Man's activity is probably not as influential as Gore pretends.

I'll admit that I can't vouch for, or authenticate the above purported fact....
But ...hmmmmm

looks like we should have a national debate on this issue, which for the most part, the Goreites seem to want to avoid....[/quote]To make any changes to our self centered behavior (the MY generation) He has to sensationalize or no-one would pay attention and poo-paw it like you are doing. The "Facts" will be shown in the future. Lets hope he is wrong or our grandkids will be paying a horrible price. I myself drive a gas guzzling full size pickup, I only drive about 4,000 miles a year. @ 12 MPG that comes out to 333 gallons @ 3.00 per= 999.00. A thousand bucks a year to drive the car of my choice. The newer trucks-cars, hardly produce any emissions. I read that a person could park in an enclosed garage and run the engine, and he would starve to death before the exhaust would kill him. Am I contributing to global catastrophy, probably. There are those that contribute much more, and those that contribute much less, (Amazon Indians) for example!


Well-Known Member
is anyone really against nuclear energy any more?

ok, so the anti clean fuel people/environmentalists did make the nuclear dump in nevada billions of dollars more expensive than it should have been by requiring radiation levels lower than granite...but still. does the nation really need to be afraid of this stuff any longer?

there was a pop science article years ago that showed how nuclear fuel (plutonium, uranium) can be encased in graphite spheres, this would make it next to impossible to have a "melt-down". why aren't we building mini-nukes and figuring out how to put these in cars? you re-fuel a nuclear sub like, what, every 20 years???


New Member
What a laugh ... the Left wants us to be more like France economically, and politically, but they never seem to consider that France gets most of its energy from nuclear power.



Well-Known Member
nukes are awesome.

we should unplug the rivers and never burn anything for power. i just don't get how they rail against everything nuclear when it solves so many problems.


New Member
Agreed! And the next time the Birkenstock Crowd chain themselves to the chain-link fences of nuclear power plant construction sites, they should have their arms chopped off. If it weren't for these nut-jobs we wouldn't be relying on foreign oil today.



Well-Known Member
lol, how did i miss this great response? now i see what you meant about the house...

you don't want to use that multi-billion dollar hole in your state? it won't hurt anything down there..under a mountain.


New Member
lol, how did i miss this great response? now i see what you meant about the house...

you don't want to use that multi-billion dollar hole in your state? it won't hurt anything down there..under a mountain.
My sentiments exactly. If I were the govenator of Nevada, I'd say bring-em-on, But you'll have to pay a huge storage fee, and the great state of Nevada would have the largest budget surplus ever, Free everything for citizens, no more sales tax, no more property tax, no more DMV fees, No marriage liscence fees to residents, etc., after all we're just now losing the glow in the dark from all the atomic testing done in the 50s and 60s.


Well-Known Member
Before you people start screaming "The Sky is Falling!" Read this :rolleyes:

There is a book out about it. And not Al Gore's Stupid Movie, where He is trying to prove his relevancy. Sorry Al Gore, you aren't going to find Manbearpig here.

Human activities have little to do with the Earth's current warming trend, according to a study published by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA). In fact, S. Fred Singer (University of Virginia) and Dennis Avery (Hudson Institute) conclude that global warming and cooling seem to be part of a 1,500-year cycle of moderate temperature swings.

Scientists got the first unequivocal evidence of a continuing moderate natural climate cycle in the 1980s, when Willi Dansgaard of Denmark and Hans Oeschger of Switzerland first saw two mile-long ice cores from Greenland representing 250,000 years of Earth's frozen, layered climate history. From their initial examination, Dansgaard and Oeschger estimated the smaller temperature cycles at 2,550 years. Subsequent research shortened the estimated length of the cycles to 1,500 years (plus or minus 500 years).

According to the authors:

An ice core from the Antarctic's Vostok Glacier -- at the other end of the world from Greenland -- showed the same 1,500-year cycle through its 400,000-year length.
The ice-core findings correlated with known glacier advances and retreats in northern Europe.
Independent data in a seabed sediment core from the Atlantic Ocean west of Ireland, reported in 1997, showed nine of the 1,500-year cycles in the last 12,000 years.
Considered collectively, there is clear and convincing evidence of a 1,500-year climate cycle. And if the current warming trend is part of an entirely natural cycle, as Singer and Avery conclude, then actions to prevent further warming would be futile, could impose substantial costs upon the global economy and lessen the ability of the world's peoples to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Source: S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery, "The Physical Evidence of Earth's Unstoppable 1,500-Year Climate Cycle," National Center for Policy Analysis, Policy Report No. 279, September 29, 2005

For text:


For more on Global Warming:

Global Warming | Daily Policy Digest | NCPA



New Member
Dank, this is one area where we disagree, I'll not waste my time or yours with a few pages of refuting evidence, I'll just say this: Saw on TV today that the oil Co.s were offering ten grand to any scientists to refute the scientific proof of human interaction on climate change (Global Warming). When they couldn't get any takers, they tried to hush it up. There is a group of over 200 scientists that are having a conference about this, all concerned about Global warming, Natural or not. It might have a cyclic trend, but the human factor surely has some influence! Why did the Oil Co.s have to bribe the scientists, have they done that before? Damn right!


Well-Known Member
Sorry but the author is not or ever has been in the employ of the oil companies or the Bush Administration.

I read the mans book and it's based on natural science and physics.
Besides this same science and scientist has been around and he was teaching since the 1950s.

Also I think that Al Gore did the movie and such just to try and prove his relevance. I know that his election was stolen and such, but he is a sore loser and is no longer relevant. Most of what Environmentalist tell it and would lead you to believe is meant so that they can gain more power.
So what do you suggest now that man has supposedly caused Global warming?
Does man as a race need to commit mass suicide to appease mother earth?
Look the population of the world isn't going to go down, it is ever expanding and more people are going to be born every day. Man isn't going away. Well... Not unless we have a Nuclear War where all countries who have such weapons engage. But that would be a whole other kettle of fish.


New Member
Look the population of the world isn't going to go down, it is ever expanding and more people are going to be born every day. Man isn't going away. Well... Not unless we have a Nuclear War where all countries who have such weapons engage. But that would be a whole other kettle of fish.
I don't think that scenario is so far fetched, afterall, Man has never invented a weapon he didn't use prolifically. With all the saber rattling going on all over the globe, who knows. If Ahmadinajad and Chavez are such buddies, don't you think old Hugo will want nukes, be the first on his block to have them, Oil can buy a lot of toys. a nuke in So. America would be a bad deal for us, especially with a "crazed socialist" leader who only wants to make the world a better place as in: Nuke the evil USA...... If they could only nuke the leaders and leave the rest of us alone, I'd certainly sacrifice the Bush regime as I know he'd sacrifice me.


Well-Known Member
Al Gore Is a Greenhouse Gasbag

Penn professor Bob Giegengack has a few quibbles with the former VP on this whole global warming thing

Philadelphia Magazine: Restaurants, Shopping, Events, Best of Philly

“The glossy production is replete with inaccuracies and misrepresentations, and appeals to public fear as shamelessly as any other political statement that hopes to unite the public behind a particular ideology.” This from a guy who voted for Gore in 2000 and says he’d probably vote for him again.

Perhaps the first thing we should come to a "consensus" about is that consensus is always elusive in science, and conclusions are always tentative. The new IPCC summary has been more categorical than some expected in stating that it is "more likely than not" that human contributions to global warming have already made Atlantic hurricanes more intense. But the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), an equally credible source of scientific insight into climate change, went out of its way to state in November that the evidence for and against this proposition is roughly balanced, and that "no firm conclusion can be made."
What's in a 'consensus' ?


New Member
Laugh it off of you will, Ha Ha, that stupid Al Gore, what does he know about this shit. I'll not lower myself to post rebutals. Just look your grandkids in the eyes and say: "I did all I could to make this a better world for you"