Will a Sunlight FML 55/5000k work?


Can i use a Sunlight FML 55/5000k to grow? It is said to have the same properties of the sun. or should i just invest my money on a HPS or a Metal Hallide, I want to contain the plants in a Homemade Box About 4x4 feet wide and 6 foot tall, can anyone give me any tips of tricks for setting up a box, any tips for preventing alot of smell, and the estamated cost of all my required equipment and what ellse i might want to look into. Thanks guys bongsmilie


lol yea, im tryin to go cheap and somethin good for 2 peoples personal use. those arnt a bad idea, but would tin foil or something similar do the trick as well?


sick thanks man for the update on that, sounds pretty good to me. What would be a good way to keep the temp up, its pretty cold where im guna grow, would a small heater and a thermostat work good for that?


Active Member
that MH/HPS will get pretty fuckin warm... use a space heater... keep it about 80 degrees... dont really want it any warmer than that. use mylar. its cheap too. bghydro sell it too.. they sell everything youll need at a damn good price