Will a little light on the plant at dark hurt your growth I need advice please!


I am a outdoor grower and the spot that i have chosen is a good grow spot my plants are a little over a month old and so far looks good but my problem is the place i have chosen i can only check at dark without being seen i take my cell phone with me which has a dim light and just give it a quick look over every week will the light from my phone will this stunt my growth, if not can i shine the dim light on it for 30 seconds or so,:confused: just to see if everything looks good any input on this would help out alot thank you


I'm extremely new for growing. But I wouldn't imagine it would. It wouldn't be a strong enough lighting nor long enough to hurt it if you're just looking it over.


Well-Known Member
how does no one see them if u cant go in the day bc of how visible you would be
^^^ That's what i'm talking about! You have to grow your plants where nobody can see them. If they can see you - they can see your plants.

Here's what you do, get yourself a Guilley Suit and do a "Slow, low crawl" out to your plants. Ain't nobody gonna see you, even in broad daylight! If you don't know what a Guilley Suit is, here's a link: