will 12/12 now make it take longer?

alright, I have read that 12/12 from seed is the route some people take, and that way you can just keep throwing seeds in the dirt and putting em straight into the tent so need for a mother plant/clones/veg room. is that the only benefit? I thought maybe it could also help you harvest sooner from an overall smaller plant, but just yesterday read where someone said that even if you put them under 12/12 early, they wont flower until they "mature" and show preflowers?

if that is true I should just stay at my 20/4 until then right? I assume they grow faster with more "sun" so I will actually have pants flowering sooner if I wait til it is ready for 12/12?


Active Member
probably want to keep it the same throughout veg unless you know they are an autoflowering strain, those are meant to be under such light. changing the light cycle will unnecessarily stress the seedling out.