Wild weed found...

Don't post a thread like this one without pics. This two-page long thread is all about a plant that someone doesn't even know for sure is bud.
I would take it and when it buddz i would take pics and write a letter and put it where you found the plant just letting that person know you appreciate it and the fuckin dank is excellent. That way if in fact it was someones you will feel better as a person.:hump:
Are you serious? hahaha
Come on now....who the fuck leaves letters after they steal marijuana plants to make themselves feel better as a person.
Yeah seriously. why not leave a letter for say...a week. if no one comes to take the letter than the Statue of Limitations is up and id say take the plant. but atleast give whoever it might belong to a chance to claim it.
ha so just leave a letter asking if it belongs to anyone and you have to water a plant what, at least once a week, ill make it safe with a week and a half and see what happens....haha the minds of rollitup, you gotto love them

thanks peace
a little something like this:

Dear fellow bud grower i would like to ask if this is anyones plant cause if not i will be rolling in the buds in no time, i thought i would check if it belongs to anyone before i relocate this plant and put it into some good use. Please leave a letter showing that someone owns this.

Fellow bud grower
he is not a thief he found the plant
I would say you spy on the plant and see if anyone tries to take care of it then..... BAM!!!!
you have a new friend to toke with!!
i understand u want to take it but just think about it..u never noe it cud be ur best friends plant n they are just being smart and tellin anyone about it...pics wud help....my last grow i had 9 fems. all buding n a giant 75 gallon pot...they where beautyful...i visted them 3 or more times a week"inoe stupid but tlc is very important"...i trimed every single little leaf that died...feed them the only best of nutes...it was n a perfect location got sun from duck to dawn...1 day i went to water and the 2 tallest plantes had been topped...and i had just been there the day b4...they didnt break by a bird landin on them or ne thing...clean cuts ryt above a node...sum 1 ne wat they where doin...i staked it out sleept out for the nyt..noe sign...i kept tending to them n 2 months l8ter i got 7 1/2 pounds of pure dank...
this wat u shud do what tey did to me...top her root the top n go from there...never hurts to hav some dif weed...dont steal it...thaz rong...n they see she was topped they noe sum 1 found her if they care theyll move her if not then i guse shes ur when the bud comes around
Just make sure you aint comin up on him all fucked up and scare the poor guy or girl shitless thinkin your the fuzz.. thats my only advice following what AlternateEgo said..
let it grow if nobody harvest it when it is harvest time then it is in fact a wild plant and you can take it
I say you take a clone, and plant it right next to it, then put a letter on the clone, that says " I get this one : ) "