

New Member
only beat women in self defense! like when they give lip or dinner isnt ready when you get home. I dont like carrots bitch, as you knock that bitch down or make her neal on rice.
just kidding about the rice though.. call 911 and say you hear your neighbor being attacked... just dont tell them your info.


Well-Known Member
You are not supposed to hit your wife, it's wrong and illegal. you should keep a tazer around for when she gets out of hand and switch it up once in awhile and use pepper spray because all relationships need some variety


Well-Known Member
only beat women in self defense! like when they give lip or dinner isnt ready when you get home. I dont like carrots bitch, as you knock that bitch down or make her neal on rice.
just kidding about the rice though.. call 911 and say you hear your neighbor being attacked... just dont tell them your info.
They NEED info though on 9-1-1 calls.


Active Member
I tried defending myself against my ex husband... didn't work, that's why he's my ex husband. I can't stand women that stay with a guy that beats her, WTF


Well-Known Member
Their are some little known statistics about battered women, Did any one realize that 70% of battered women cant cook a decent steak or that 32% have cheated on their husbands or how about the fact that 85% can't shut up during the football game or the fact that a whopping 100% of battered women are dating assholes.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
their are some little known statistics about battered women, did any one realize that 70% of battered women cant cook a decent steak or that 32% have cheated on their husbands or how about the fact that 85% can't shut up during the football game or the fact that a whopping 100% of battered women are dating assholes.
QFT :eyesmoke:


Moderatrix of Journals
Their are some little known statistics about battered women, Did any one realize that 70% of battered women cant cook a decent steak or that 32% have cheated on their husbands or how about the fact that 85% can't shut up during the football game or the fact that a whopping 100% of battered women are dating assholes.
wait.... so when my ex taught me how to grill up a perfect medium rare it WAS because he was a lazy s.o.b..... just not in the way that i thought....


Well-Known Member
lofl mellokitty u r 1 funny mofo, u made me laught half way tho pulling a cone, now its wasted but worth it