Wierd Plant Problem - Bottom leaves w/ brown edges and then become pale yellow


Active Member
Okay so the plants i have are under 6 Flourecent lights and are in 2 gallon buckets. They have been growing for about a month and a half and aren't even a foot tall. The only transplanting i have done is to move them from the starter pods into these buckets. a week after the move the lowest set of leaves turned pale yellow almost white. Some of the lower leaves also are developing brown edges. they are in a indoor potting soil. I believed this to be an overall nutrient deficiency and added a 18-18-20 mix diluted with water. the problem still proceeds.
ANY ideas what is still going on?????:sad:


Well-Known Member
they dont look healthy at all dude .... sorry .... if they are over a month old and they look like that .... i think somethings really bad in there. Something that does not let them grow/feed.
What is the temperature ?


Well-Known Member
not fucked at all bro. they r just hungry. you said you fed them. the new growth looks ok. just be gentle feeding them and they will get back right on track


Active Member
not fucked at all bro. they r just hungry. you said you fed them. the new growth looks ok. just be gentle feeding them and they will get back right on track
Alright ill keep increasing the nutes. hopefully that will do it. i went easy cause they were so damn small but ill try bringing it up. thanks. ill let you know if it helps


Well-Known Member
yeah, just nute... All signs point towards a shortage of N P K and Mg. Feed em proper and give it a week. good luck


New Member
damn those are mad fucking small for 1 month

these are mine so far its been 1 month exact can any1 tell me what strain these are? (bag seeds) dont remeber what kind weed i just gatherd seeds from different bud :)


LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
damn those are mad fucking small for 1 month

these are mine so far its been 1 month exact can any1 tell me what strain these are? (bag seeds) dont remeber what kind weed i just gatherd seeds from different bud :)

can't no body tell you what strain it is jus by looking at it.. but i can say it's a indica......