wierd maggoty lookin shit


Well-Known Member
wat up everyone? went out to look at my girls this morning, and it was sprinking a little so i thought i'd shake some of the water off the buds and i noticed what at first looked like tiny maggots on some of the leaves on one of em. upon closer inspection i figured out that it wasnt any kind of worm or anything but appeared to be coming from the bud. almost like the hairs had shook off onto the leafs when i shook em to get the water off. i'd show pics but my cams messed up. i'm hoping someone will know wats up based on my description. plus rep to anyone who can ease my mind on the subject.
will provide pics (eventually), maybe tonite or tomorow depending on wether or not they allow me to exchange this p.o.s. i got back in may.:peace:


Well-Known Member
cant do pics at the moment, but they're white, like the hairs on the bud.
if anyone can post pics of bud rot on here for me to look at for comparison that would be great!


Well-Known Member
i'd like to see a pic of that from a little farther away, but yes that pretty much looks to be it. wat is it?


Well-Known Member
i've looked again:shock:, and now i'm like 99% that that's what's on my plant:sad:. what is that:?::dunce: any one who knows please let me know, if its something that's gonna ruin my bud:wall:, and i can prevent it, i REALLY REALLY REALLY need to know what it is and how to fix it!!! come on fellas(or the lady smokers can feel free to help too lol), help a brotha out lol:peace:


Well-Known Member
c'mon, bump. this is an urgent matter people. need help asap. wtf is the pics in the post above by doobnVA of? i know that someone looking at this has an idea as to wat this is and how to fix it so lets hear it. dont be shy


Active Member
they look like lil spider mites, i got tha same problem but not as much as yours. To help ya gurl there spary some pesticide on it all around on tha leaves that should kill em
home-made pesticide is your best bet happy buddin


Well-Known Member
nah, its not mites or any kind of pest. i went out to em this morning and shook em again and same thing happened. looks to be some of the bud itself coming off, or fucking something, hell idk. i DO know its not anykind of live pest. its something happening to my plant causing like tiny white things to come off the bud when i shake it. anymore ideas as to what this may be? the shit that i first noticed yesterday mornig was washed away by rain last night, but when i shook em this morning well...see above.


Well-Known Member
They are eggs. I think, whitefly eggs. Sorry for the delay =) Hope they haven't hatched!

EDIT: or they might be dead adult white flies. Either way, it's a live pest! Growing outdoors you probably ought to take preventative measures against that sort of thing, but it's never too late to start.


Well-Known Member
They are eggs. I think, whitefly eggs. Sorry for the delay =) Hope they haven't hatched!

EDIT: or they might be dead adult white flies. Either way, it's a live pest! Growing outdoors you probably ought to take preventative measures against that sort of thing, but it's never too late to start.
hey man, no prob on the delayed response, it give me time to investigate this a little further and discover (on riu no less lol) that it is prob. eggs of bud worms. so i got stoned after i posted this morning, started freakin out about it, and went out and cut most of two plants down! LOL Fuck it! i'm not growin for the worms to live off of1 and they was pretty near ready anyway so screw it. any way thanx for the responses and i guess the issue has pretty much resolved itself. like most issues usually do it seems. maybe thats something for me to consider next time i have a prob. that is: dont get all bent out of shape and worried about something when, 9 times out of 10 it ends up working out the way it was supposed to on its own. ................:peace::eyesmoke::blsmoke:bongsmilie:peace::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
btw doobnVA + rep to u my friend for hitting the nail right on the head and calling it an egg of some sort. thanks again man!