Wierd light spots showing on the leafs


Active Member
I started these 5 seeds there all about 3- weeks old
there in roots organic 60% and Bigcity soil 40%
i fed them a few days ago 6.5 ph 1tbs earth juce gro
and 1tbs aged sea kelp in 3 gallons of water.
They responded with new growth and seem to be thriving ,
Temps did get a little low 55 deg but I went and got a heater temps stay at 72 deg now!
So these spots are only on the seeds not my clones idk if it's a temp problem or nutes def
heres a few picks

I have Jorge Cervantes indoor outdoor bible ,it doesent have any info on this problem


Active Member
Yeah , I have checked with a 60x microscope
there only on my 3 week old seeds , all 5 plants
Idk what it is , it doesn't wipe off
mabe it's from misting them with water , mabe the water was too cold ?
Water spot burns ?


New Member
Make sure the water is room temp as well, it shouldn't be warm.
It may be humidity. I really am not sure what else it could be since you're keeping your nutes under control.
Your top is growing in nicely.

You should also NEVER grow on a cold surface.
Also, if it's tap water make sure you let it sit out for 2-3 days to lower the pH.


Active Member
Ok , the surface is cold , so I'll go ahead and make a table !
Get them off the ground !
New growth looks fine , I think I might have sprayed them with cold water
mabe the water spots are little burns , from the light or cold water idk


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I thought the same thing. Looks like the beginning of a mite or insect problem.


Active Member
There's no sign of any thing on or under my leafs !
I also would like to say ( there only on the babies from seed)!!
my clones have not a spot on them !!


New Member
I know there's some kind of oil you can rub on your leafs to help them, I forgot the name of it though.
It pretty much protects it from insects and make the leafs a lot healthier.
If anybody knows what I'm talking about, it may help Ecips.

Good luck man, I'd hate to see anything happen to you plants,


Active Member
Thanks !
I take a lot of time cleaning my grow room !
Theres a little peat moss and random pieces of dirt that fly around as the soil drys
but I go in and clean the whole room !!
i am not tripping that bad I'm goi g to keep an eye on them over the next few days
Im going to stop by the grow store and pick up a few things like a bug spray
ill ask about the leaf stuff !!
Thanks for helping out
helps alot


Active Member
I'm goin to pic up a cal mag !
Also I think I'm going to feed with nutes in case there hungry,
If they get worse ill add some cal mag .


Active Member
Ok so I went to the grow store , he said they look fine , he told me to feed them and watch the under leafs!!
he seem to think its a lack of nute , ?
I fed them 1 1/2 tbs of earth juce grow and 2 tsp of aged sea kelp
2 gallons ph 6.5
here are a few picks , any ideas

Nothing on the clones



Well-Known Member
You'll need a good magnifying glass to really see the black mites or the clumps of clear eggs but I agree, I don't see any indication of mites. Always look for mites on the worse looking leaves by the way, not the best. I think I see some small eggs on the right side of the leaf in the 2nd pic. You'll know for sure soon enough......