Why you should do EVERYTHING you can to get Ron Paul in the White House


Active Member
Dr. Paul plans on abolishing the Federal Reserve Board, claiming that it causes inflation and ruins our economy. He is correct.

Dr. Paul plans on formulating a "non-intervention" foreign policy, claiming that we are less safe now with this "war on terror" than we were before it. He is correct.

Dr. Paul plans on reducing the government's role in our personal lives, claiming that America is currently headed toward a tyrannical government. He is correct.

Do you want to know why he is correct? Watch this movie: Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007. Watch the WHOLE thing. It's two hours long, but time will fly incredibly fast considering that it's so damn interesting!

While a lot of the movie's content could be considered "conspiracy theory," nonetheless, we should vote for man who would not let something terrible like that happen to America.

Considering all the evidence presented in the video... doesn't it send a chill up your spine knowing that unless we start NOW. As in RIGHT NOW... we could all end up being micro-chipped slave monkeys to the elite.

That is why I am voting for Ron Paul, because I wouldn't want my children living in a terrible world envisioned for us by the ruling elite.

Please, share this movie with everyone you can. The more people know what "could" happen, the more people will be scared into doing something.

Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

ps - I am in no way affiliated with the creators of the movie or owners of the website. I am only spreading the seeds of truth as this website has done for me... in other, more physically enjoyable ways... :mrgreen:

pps - Besides, the dude wants to end the war on drugs! How cool is that?!?!


Well-Known Member
I am English but i hope Ron Paul gets elected.
Seems unlikely though as the voting system is probably rigged anyway:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I am English but i hope Ron Paul gets elected.
Seems unlikely though as the voting system is probably rigged anyway:blsmoke:
It is, citizen votes don't mean a fucking thing when it comes down to the election. It's just a means of shutting the sheep up while they're given a new hearder. the electoral college ultimately determines who leads the country. Then, when a president turns out to be an idiot, politicians pull the whole "Well, hte majority of you voted for this person."


Well-Known Member
i want obama to be elected!ron pauls got no chance!all i know is,whoevers elected nothing much will change!how many of um actually do what they say they will?if they did america would be a perfect place to live,but its far from that!politrics is all it is!


Well-Known Member
Well i read that a lot of Americans believed the polls last time to be rigged and there was some kind of huge debate on machines going wrong or something like that,im a pot head i cant remember properly:mrgreen:
I hope you guys get Ron Paul as weed is,mostly,still illegal here because of "agreements" with our govt and yours.
Best of luck to you guys:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Idk, I hate our gov't. It has little to do with the glorious fundamentals we were founded upon. Even the revocation of our right to bear arms. I have many guns, none of them are registered, and they will never be. This hole is turning communist and I'm gonna' be ready when shit hits the fan. People should not fear their government, the government should fear it's people. And they should be fucking terrified of me.


Well-Known Member
Violence will solve nothing and lets face it if you guys revolted they would simply mow you all down like sheep.
I understand your will to fight and your frustration but you cannot attack your government in that manner and hope to win anything but your own funeral.
All we need to do is keep talking.:blsmoke::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
My preparation isn't for revolt. It's for the day when that they try to get us to reform. And with all this REAL ID shit going on, we're slowly but surely losing our freedoms.


Well-Known Member
My preparation isn't for revolt. It's for the day when that they try to get us to reform. And with all this REAL ID shit going on, we're slowly but surely losing our freedoms.
Divided we fall.
As a whole our "Voice" is very powerful and all that is required.
This is why they have attempted to silence these issues as they know that.
Marc Emery was only arrested after to many people began to listen to him and Greggs "Voice":peace::joint: