Why would it be wrong to shame people for being fat if it will cost others money when providing for

no. workman's comp is taken care of by the folks who employ those people going up on the ladders.

if you want credit for "defending our freedom" in some worthless conflict, take responsibility for the possible outcomes of your own decisions.

While we're on the subject of responsibility, when do you hold those who send our soldiers off to fight in pointless wars for profit accountable for the blood on THEIR hands?
The system is rigged man, you know it, I know it, but people have to bitch because we the little people don't get heard

We little people get big fast when we stand united. This is why there's so much divisiveness in this country; the longer we're fooled/distracted by the bullshit, the less time we have to think about who's actually screwing us over.
Seriously mock laugh at point your finger at a fat person specially at MacDonald's there is no need for that fat person to be in there ordering the double Big mac and super sized fries but then be a smart ass and go with diet coke
That just cracks me up
Sounds more like you're trying to get a rise out of people then anything else. I'm mean just look at car insurance, you pay for the people in your town or city and not your own driving ability. So i must ask what was this question really about?

That was the right question.

I thought it had been awhile since Padaraper had made a thread disparaging women and their bodies. Back on track....

Yup another day, same Padraper at the end of it all..
Seriously mock laugh at point your finger at a fat person specially at MacDonald's there is no need for that fat person to be in there ordering the double Big mac and super sized fries but then be a smart ass and go with diet coke
That just cracks me up

Yeah, they should beat them about the head and shoulders then arrest those fat bastards! Oh wait, I'm fat.. but I don't eat that shit with worthless calories. I mix my vodka with diet sprite! haha ...but I'm fed well buy a good cook and lack of good exercise is my main problem.
Studies with prisoners as well as others shows that shame is not a very effective driver for personal change. They are already feeling shame. Prisoners actually solve their problems if given the correct structure which builds self worth. Not in this country but others. I believe Norway is one such country. It's been a while since I've read the studies. And after farming and raising livestock as well as kids I understand. And 50 plus years working I see all kinds of issues out there.
Hey Pad. In Britain they tried something like this a decade ago by petitioning to sew health warnings in plus sized clothing. As you could guess from the responses in this thread, it did not go over very well with the populace. The petitioners had the same arguments that you put forth, that it takes almost 10% of their health care budget treating obesity related illnesses.


A lot of people see compulsive behaviors as addictions, like smoking, drugs, gambling and food. As such, these people are viewed as having little or no control of their actions. So shaming would do little good, since they are not in control. If these addicts were subject to paying more for their indulgences (higher insurance premiums, higher air fares for larger seats, etc.) that would probably have no real effect on the addicts either, but then they would be taking the financial burden off others without these problems.

I personally believe less and less each year that free will even exists, and the scientific data seems to point to this being the case. But it must be an interesting conflict for those that are convinced that we have free will, you can put blame on anyone for any wrong they do, and praise anyone for any accomplishments they achieve. But at the same time they 'shouldn't'. As a smoker, people in this city have no problem attempting to shame me for my habit, but I never see this tactic applied to alcoholics and the overweight irl. That's interesting. My opinion is that since we really don't have free will to choose, we as a society may as well take care of each other. Some of us may have to pay more for people with problems, but at least we don't have to experience those problems. Because really, if given the choice, which would you rather be? The obese person, or the slim person who pays a little more for said obese person?
Hey Pad. In Britain they tried something like this a decade ago by petitioning to sew health warnings in plus sized clothing. As you could guess from the responses in this thread, it did not go over very well with the populace. The petitioners had the same arguments that you put forth, that it takes almost 10% of their health care budget treating obesity related illnesses.


A lot of people see compulsive behaviors as addictions, like smoking, drugs, gambling and food. As such, these people are viewed as having little or no control of their actions. So shaming would do little good, since they are not in control. If these addicts were subject to paying more for their indulgences (higher insurance premiums, higher air fares for larger seats, etc.) that would probably have no real effect on the addicts either, but then they would be taking the financial burden off others without these problems.

I personally believe less and less each year that free will even exists, and the scientific data seems to point to this being the case. But it must be an interesting conflict for those that are convinced that we have free will, you can put blame on anyone for any wrong they do, and praise anyone for any accomplishments they achieve. But at the same time they 'shouldn't'. As a smoker, people in this city have no problem attempting to shame me for my habit, but I never see this tactic applied to alcoholics and the overweight irl. That's interesting. My opinion is that since we really don't have free will to choose, we as a society may as well take care of each other. Some of us may have to pay more for people with problems, but at least we don't have to experience those problems. Because really, if given the choice, which would you rather be? The obese person, or the slim person who pays a little more for said obese person?
That likely went about as well as Bloombergs soda ban in NY haha
what about all the people who smoke, and all he other pastimes that cause injury and bad health ?
Who decides what overweight is? I have been overweight all my life according to doctors. Even in my youth, when I was a weightlifter and in VERY good shape. For my height, I was overweight at 12.
And genetics is also a factor. So do we bring in crisper to fix those?
The just keeps bothering me so I'm going to add something (although I know I should not).

Once upon a time, a long long time ago people believed that 'refrigerator' mother's caused autism. Many mothers of autistic children were shamed. There were divorces and suicides and quiet abandonment of autistic children in state mental hospitals. Now we know autism is not nurture it is nature.

Today the fad of shaming is turning it's attention to obesity. However if you look at nutritional studies the beginning of a new hypothesis is taking shape. Turns out it's the gestational environment (to make a massive overgeneralization), is this proven? No not yet but I have no doubt our scientists will nail the actual cause down, until then, there but for the grace of god, etc....

Scapegoating is a very ugly thing and helps no one and no group move forward. Life is not a zero sum game and we should not be looking for reasons to further arbitrary divisions. We have larger predators stalking us let's not divert our attention.
The just keeps bothering me so I'm going to add something (although I know I should not).

Once upon a time, a long long time ago people believed that 'refrigerator' mother's caused autism. Many mothers of autistic children were shamed. There were divorces and suicides and quiet abandonment of autistic children in state mental hospitals. Now we know autism is not nurture it is nature.

Today the fad of shaming is turning it's attention to obesity. However if you look at nutritional studies the beginning of a new hypothesis is taking shape. Turns out it's the gestational environment (to make a massive overgeneralization), is this proven? No not yet but I have no doubt our scientists will nail the actual cause down, until then, there but for the grace of god, etc....

Scapegoating is a very ugly thing and helps no one and no group move forward. Life is not a zero sum game and we should not be looking for reasons to further arbitrary divisions. We have larger predators stalking us let's not divert our attention.
Exactamente. Let's shame the old too. Those fuckers are living long enough to get more and more diseases that most folks didn't used to get because they live too long. The shame list will soon get big enough to include everyone and every race. Gotta love institutionalized hate and the hive mind
Exactamente. Let's shame the old too. Those fuckers are living long enough to get more and more diseases that most folks didn't used to get because they live too long. The shame list will soon get big enough to include everyone and every race. Gotta love institutionalized hate and the hive mind

Shame anyone that does not take care of them self's specially FAT people yes Fat people there driving up health care premiums , taking away your freedoms

I make Wed kick a fat person in the Ass day and throw them a big apple

Some people call it a mental disorder then purge only way to rid a disease is to kill it number 1 killer in USA is obesity .. and if its a disease then by all means get rid of them .. There sick Gene pool is not worthy to survive plan in simple really