Why Would I Drink That Much With No Weed?


Well-Known Member
02? Just oxygen? Thats weird, does that really help with it? I mean I dont have one, but thats kinda clever lol


Well-Known Member
It seemed to help but I usually was sooo hung over anything would help
But now i have discovered a sure cure for hangovers.....

Don't drink hahahahaha!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I haven't had a drink since last Oct. and I hope it was my last, there is no fun when I drink


Well-Known Member
you nedd three things to cure a hangover

1) Caffeine pills
2) A handfuls of Tylenol
Uhhmmm. A bunch of pills in my stomach is no fun when im hungover Ill puke it all up. My hangovers dwell within my stomach so the whole pills thing doesnt work >.< Tums dont even work >.< I'm not really hungover anymore, and have been smoking. So now I'm just dandy doo :)